Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Timothy Uyeki

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:32 - The various roles of the clinical team of CDC's 2014-16 Ebola response

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Partial Transcript: One question I had was, we talked about the beginnings of your involvement in the Ebola response, how you got that call from Inger Damon.

Keywords: HHS; I. Damon; Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS); Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola (STRIVE); Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB); WHO; clinicians; drug manufacturers; drugs; experimental; investigational; investigational new drugs (INDs); liaison; pharmaceutical industry; phone calls; physicians; post-exposure prophylaxis; regulatory; teleconferences; therapies; vaccines

Subjects: National Institutes of Health (U.S.); United States. Department of Defense; United States. Department of Health and Human Services; United States. Food and Drug Administration; World Health Organization

00:09:25 - Testing of Ebola patients/Confidentiality of patient information

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Partial Transcript: I think it evolved very quickly that if you’re going to be dealing with clinical issues, and clinical management, you have to know all kinds of things.

Keywords: NSC; Serious Communicable Disease Unit (SDCU); Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital; White House; collection; confidentiality; facilitation; inequality; information; knowledge; laboratory work; learning; liaison; personally identifiable information (PII); sample transport; science; specimen transport; testing

Subjects: Bellevue Hospital; Ebola virus disease; Emory University Hospital; National Institutes of Health (U.S.); National Security Council (U.S.); Nebraska Medical Center

00:17:13 - How facilitating clinical conversations became CDC's and Dr. Uyeki's role in the 2014-16 international Ebola response/Both moderating and contributing to the discussion

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Partial Transcript: Can I ask where that idea for conversations between the clinicians really came from?

Keywords: WHO; clinicians; confidentiality; conversations; discussions; doctors; information; liaison; note-taking; notes; physicians; reporting; signs; symptoms; teleconferences

Subjects: World Health Organization

00:28:43 - Storing data/Maintaining patient confidentiality

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Partial Transcript: I have another question. And that’s, as you’re getting this information from all of these different sources coming in, was there a place where you were kind of compiling this new information and this new data?

Keywords: WHO; confidentiality; data; ethics; inequality; learning; limited resources; names; note-taking; notes; patient identities; personally identifiable information (PII); publications; publishing

Subjects: World Health Organization

00:38:01 - Publishing aggregated information versus sharing information privately but immediately/Specimen transport

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Partial Transcript: But what we did, finally—again, it took quite a long time, for a variety of reasons, not to mention securing approvals and consent from patients and families, as well as institutions and governmental approvals

Keywords: communication; costs; data; data sharing; developing world; discussions; hydration; inequalty; information; information sharing; limited resources; poverty; publications; publishing; safety; sample transport; shipping; specimen transport; speed; supportive care

00:46:34 - Advising on highly suspect cases/Coordinating shipment of experimental treatments

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Partial Transcript: Another thing that you mentioned that you did in our last interview was, there would be suspected Ebola patients in the United States as well, and you would be involved in having conversations about them and what to do about them, etcetera.

Keywords: EIS; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); airports; conversations; discussions; flights; investigational new drugs (INDs); medevac; medical evacuation; monitoring; persons under investigation (PUIs); shipping; teleconferences; tracking; traveler screening

Subjects: Canada; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Sierra Leone; United States. Department of State; malaria

01:04:16 - Work on ocular complications in Ebola survivors

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Partial Transcript: I suppose we have only about fifteen minutes left.

Keywords: Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB); blindness; experimental; eyes; eyesight; investigational new drugs (INDs); ophthalmalogy; polymerase chain reaction (PCR); sight; survivors; therapies; uveitis; virus isolation; virus persistence; vision

Subjects: Ebola virus disease

01:11:03 - Communication with American Ebola survivors

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Partial Transcript: You also had some contact with the patients themselves, right? Some conversations, etcetera?

Keywords: T. Frieden; collaboration; communication; conversations; discussions; facilitation; liaison; plasma; relapse; science; survivors; virus persistence

Subjects: Ebola virus disease; Frieden, Tom