Global Health Chronicles

Group interview, CDC Sierra Leone Response

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:00 - Introduction/A Partners in Health staff member is exposed to Ebola, March 2015, and CDC's Oliver Morgan gets a call

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Partial Transcript: Hello, this is Sam Robson, recording with the David J. Sencer CDC Museum

Keywords: A. Khan; Ebola treatment units (ETUs); J. Hoover; Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel; US Embassy; evacuations; exposures; flights

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)

00:10:39 - The International Humanitarian Partnership base camp/Evacuations begin

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Partial Transcript: Then immediately we went to the--I don’t know if we can call it a camp.

Keywords: CDC; K. FitzGibbon; evacuations; exposures; health workers; international response; interviewing; lodging; medevac; responders

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Port Loko (Sierra Leone)

00:21:40 - Repatriation of Americans evacuated from Sierra Leone/Following up on a needle-stick injury

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Partial Transcript: This is John Brooks. I was on the domestic end receiving these people.

Keywords: R. Rickert-Hartman; evacuations; medical director; needle stick

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)

00:26:56 - The State Department/NSC's reaction to the exposures

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Partial Transcript: It’s interesting, John, that you mentioned about the timeline because a number of things happened in such record speed that

Keywords: NSC

Subjects: National Security Council (U.S.)

00:28:09 - Investigating the facilities where exposures took place

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Partial Transcript: And then finally--I can’t recall the names of the CDC staff who, within a few days, went to inspect the Partners In Health facility

Keywords: Ebola treatment units (ETUs); Maforki; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); Port Loko Government Hospital; infection prevention and control (IPC)

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)

00:32:18 - The capacity for mass evacuation/Finding hospitals for evacuees in the United States

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Partial Transcript: I was going to say--this is Ian Williams, one of the deputy incident managers

Keywords: Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU); N. Lurie; evacuations; repatriation

Subjects: Liberia

00:41:38 - Prioritizing responders in West Africa for evacuation

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Partial Transcript: The State Department did this great set-up where they had the three flights from Phoenix Air going in rotating patterns.

Keywords: risk assessment

Subjects: United States. Department of State

00:43:52 - Not knowing how the infections occurred or how the infected were fairing

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Partial Transcript: It’s important to note that actually, even today, we have no idea how these individuals got infected.

Keywords: R. Rickert-Hartman

Subjects: National Institutes of Health (U.S.)

00:44:57 - Managing evacuees under twenty-one-day surveillance

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Partial Transcript: I was going to say, a lot of this was keeping track of making a line list of who, where, when, where were they in time and there was sort of this daily

Keywords: negotiations

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)

00:47:05 - Disparities in care between international and local responders

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Partial Transcript: In the end, how many people were admitted to Kerry Town? Because it was more than one.

Keywords: IMC; Kerry Town; experimental; investigational new drugs (INDs); therapies

Subjects: International Medical Corps

00:53:56 - Ramifications for Partners in Health

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Partial Transcript: The other few things that I remember was that the UK perspective

Keywords: Ebola treatment units (ETUs); IMC; Maforki; funding; politics; quality control

Subjects: International Medical Corps; Kambia (Sierra Leone : District); Partners in Health (Organization)

00:57:39 - Findings from investigating Ebola treatment facilities

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Partial Transcript: Can I ask, just like in concrete terms, what were the problems that were found in Maforki and that were later found in Kambia?

Keywords: MSF; architecture; donning and doffing; infection prevention and control (IPC); personal protective equipment (PPE); standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Subjects: Medecins sans frontieres (Association)

01:03:35 - Closing the Maforki Ebola treatment unit/Doctors working through symptoms

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Partial Transcript: A really difficult piece at the end, wrapping up with this event, was actually closing down the Maforki ETU.

Keywords: economics; money; payment; salaries

01:06:50 - The effect of US movement and monitoring guidance, and political caution, on repatriation of Americans

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Partial Transcript: I do look back on the event and wonder whether all the majority of individuals exposed were actually from the UK, whether it would’ve been handled differently

Keywords: guidelines; migration; risk communication; traveler screening

01:11:09 - Headquarters' need for information vs. field workers' need to concentrate/International response politics

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Partial Transcript: I think one of the challenges, at least on the Atlanta side, is trying to balance the political side with you guys actually doing the investigation in the field

Keywords: S. Burwell; evacuations; fear; hysteria; information; reporting

01:18:26 - Clarifying CDC's role for other US government agencies

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Partial Transcript: Some things did kind of come through.

Keywords: NSC; infection prevention and control (IPC)

Subjects: National Security Council (U.S.)

01:21:07 - The need for independent, third-party review of response activities/CDC's relationship with Partners in Health

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Partial Transcript: I think the other thing that came out of this, and I think it was probably this outbreak more than some of the others that we dealt with

Keywords: information sharing; partners; relationships; secrecy; trust

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)

01:30:48 - Evaluating CDC's response to the Partners in Health exposures/Final reflections

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Partial Transcript: You know what’s funny, I’m going to paraphrase

Keywords: S. Greer; rapid response; teamwork

Subjects: Partners in Health (Organization)