Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Scott Laney

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:00 - Introduction/Summary of Ebola response activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Sam Robson, here with Dr. Scott Laney.

Keywords: NIOSH

Subjects: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

00:01:55 - Early life through high school

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me when and where you were born?

Keywords: music; parents; reading; rural; school; theater

Subjects: Colorado; Durango (Colo.)

00:10:25 - Post-high school travel/Working as an EMT

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But then after high school, I was sort of a listless ship for a while. I had to grow up and sort of figure out life.

Keywords: travel

Subjects: Australia; Great Britain; New York; Scotland

00:13:47 - Going to college and discovering math and epidemiology

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, in the meantime when I was in Syracuse, I met my now wife.

Keywords: EIS; education; epidemiology; mathematics; public health; undergraduate

Subjects: State University of New York; University of Missouri; epidemic

00:22:58 - Getting a master of public health degree and a doctorate

Play segment

Partial Transcript: From there, what happened was I knew I wanted to go to CDC

Keywords: CDC; HIV/AIDS; P. Moore; Y. Chang

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Emory University; Pittsburgh (Pa.); Rollins School of Public Health; University of Pittsburgh

00:27:34 - Epidemic Intelligence Service in Vermont, and moving to West Virginia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What EIS class were you in?

Keywords: E. Petsonk; EIS; M. Attfield; NIOSH; black lung disease; occupational health

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Lungs--Dust diseases; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Vermont

00:34:45 - The politics of addressing black lung disease

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Was there something that especially caught your interest, that you became passionate about, when it came to, like, black lung the first few years?

Keywords: A. Christie; D. Blackley; S. Pillai; coal; industry; intimidation; mining; politics; violence

00:39:34 - The uniqueness of the West African Ebola outbreak

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Looking to what you did later in West Africa, that kind of intense response work, was there anything that you had done previous to that that was at all comparable?

Keywords: emergency response