Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Mateusz Plucinski

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Sam Robson, here today with Dr. Mateusz Plucinski.

Keywords: CDC; EIS; Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene; epidemiology

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau

00:01:19 - Youth and education through graduate school

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Backing up, can you tell me when and where you were born?

Keywords: A. Reingold; EIS; L. Riley; biology; ecology; infectious disease; languages; mentors; modeling; parents; twins

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Escherichia coli; Poland; Princeton University; University of California, Berkeley; University of Cambridge; West Virginia

00:11:42 - Epidemic Intelligence Service work in Francophone and Lusophone Africa

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I was very keen on doing global health. Specifically, I actually wanted to work in Lusophone Africa, and the Malaria Branch has a fair amount of projects in Angola and Mozambique.

Keywords: EIS; J. Zingeser; anti-malarial resistance; global health; messaging

Subjects: Angola; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; French language; Madagascar; Mozambique; Portuguese language; malaria

00:19:34 - Getting involved in CDC's West African Ebola response

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Partial Transcript: Were you involved in Ebola at all while you were still in EIS?

Keywords: EIS; FAO; I. Schafer; J. Zingeser; K. Djawe; M. Choi; M. Dixon; P. Rollin; Palm Camayenne Hotel; Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB); borders; fear; flights

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

00:26:18 - The situation in Conakry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: At the time, there was a fair amount of movement with WHO.

Keywords: Ebola treatment units (ETUs); I. Schafer; J. Zingeser; M. Choi; M. Dixon; P. Rollin; Palm Camayenne Hotel; Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB); WHO; contact tracing; isolation; surveillance; trainings

Subjects: Conakry (Guinea); Ebola virus disease; Gueckedou (Guinea); Kissidougou (Guinea : Region); World Health Organization

00:34:08 - The situation in Gueckedou

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Partial Transcript: But when I was leaving Conakry at the end of April, my mood was very, very different, and the mood had really changed just drastically in both Gueckedou and Conakry.

Keywords: AFRO (African Regional Office); B. Diallo; D. Bausch; Ebola treatment units (ETUs); F. Jacquerioz; IFRC; K. Djawe; MSF; S. Keita; Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP); WHO; conflict; contact tracing; international partners; meetings; mood; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); personal protective equipment (PPE); teams

Subjects: Conakry (Guinea); Gueckedou (Guinea); International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; Kissidougou (Guinea : Region); Medecins sans frontieres (Association); World Health Organization; malaria

00:45:05 - Description of work in Gueckedou/Staying at the Fatou Rose Hotel

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Basically what Mary and I would do over the course of the next two weeks, we were working with contact tracing and case investigation.

Keywords: K. Djawe; Libama; M. Choi; Madame Sia; case investigation; climate; contact tracers; contact tracing; epidemiology; laboratory diagnosis; monitoring; power; supervision; teamwork; technical advisors; technical assistance; temperature

Subjects: Gueckedou (Guinea)

00:56:14 - A troubling investigation in Botema

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Partial Transcript: There wasn’t that sense of dread or panic or anything like that. It was fairly under control.

Keywords: B. Diallo; Botema; IFRC; MSF; abortions; burials; community trust; dead body transport; diagnosis; exposures; fear; funerals; hiking; interviews; rites; transport

Subjects: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; Medecins sans frontieres (Association); cholera

01:15:43 - Encountering resistance in a village in Guinea's Forest Region

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Another thing that happened was that in a different part of Gueckedou, there had been this report that one of the contacts that should have been being traced had hidden himself in a village and was refusing to be seen.

Keywords: community outreach; community resistance; community trust; fear; health communications; messaging; rumors; safety; security; sensitization; violence

Subjects: Kissi language

01:29:54 - Resolving the situation in Botema

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The way it was resolved was very interesting.

Keywords: Forest region; Guinea Forestier; M. Loua; Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene; community trust; fear

Subjects: Kissi language; Nzerekore (Guinea : Region); Peace Corps (U.S.)

01:35:03 - Understanding communities' fear of Ebola responders

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Partial Transcript: That experience with that level of hostility from the village was I think a sign of things to come.

Keywords: Ebola treatment units (ETUs); Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene; cars; community resistance; community trust; empathy; exhaust; fear; motor vehicles; rumors; understandings of illness

Subjects: Gueckedou (Guinea)

01:42:12 - Recognizing the worsening situation in Guinea

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Anyway, a few of these things happened all at once.

Keywords: M. Choi; Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB); WHO; chains of transmission; contact tracing; travel

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Conakry (Guinea); Gueckedou (Guinea); Sierra Leone; Telimele (Guinea : Region); World Health Organization