Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Mateusz Plucinski

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:46 - Getting involved in CDC's efforts to prepare Guinea-Bissau for possible Ebola cases

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Partial Transcript: I think today we are just going to start off from the beginning.

Keywords: Forest region; Guinea Forestier; J. Morgan; Malaria Branch; deployments; embassies; home offices

Subjects: Boffa (Guinea : Region); Boke (Guinea : Region); CDC Emergency Operations Center; Dakar (Senegal); Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Mozambique; colonialism; malaria

00:12:26 - Travel to Guinea-Bissau/First impressions of the country

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My flight was delayed by a day, but I ended up spending maybe a day and a half in Dakar.

Keywords: Creole; Cubana; J. Morgan; M. Kinzer; colonialism; embassies; flights; languages; slavery

Subjects: Bissau (Guinea-Bissau); Evora, Cesaria; Guinea-Bissau; Portuguese language; Senegal

00:22:14 - The international Ebola response in Guinea-Bissau

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We were all pretty much staying in Hotel Coimbra, and I’d say the majority of the guests in the hotel were folks associated with Ebola response.

Keywords: A. Bavcar; IMC; IOM; J. Aguilera; J. da Silva; MSF; Mireille; P. Cardoso; R. Portugal; WHO; border health; emergency preparedness; laboratories

Subjects: Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; International Medical Corps; International Organization for Migration; Medecins sans frontieres (Association); Portugal; UNICEF; World Health Organization

00:31:59 - Activities in Guinea-Bissau

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Partial Transcript: What were we doing? CDC was there helping with training.

Keywords: A. Gill-Bailey; CDC; Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP); G. Pirio; IOM; J. Morgan; contact tracing; health communications; meetings; ministries of health; partners; rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs); trainings

Subjects: Boffa (Guinea : Region); Boké (Guinea : Region); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); International Organization for Migration; Johns Hopkins University

00:44:44 - Border health in Guinea-Bissau

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Partial Transcript: The other trip that I did was I went to a place called Buba, which was a district further south towards Guinea.

Keywords: Buba; Creole; IFRC; IOM; J. Aguilera; border health; development; health communications; languages; poverty; quarantine; reporting

Subjects: Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; International Organization for Migration; cholera

00:56:47 - Cubana, the driver/Leaving Guinea-Bissau

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I’m wondering if you could describe the driver, Cubana, a little more. Did I get his name right?

Keywords: A. Macedo; Cubana; M. Itoh; drivers; flights; travel

Subjects: Air Sénégal international

01:08:05 - Guinea-Bissau as an ignored country/Relationship with Portugal

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you attribute that laxness to mostly the minister of health not being there or the other guy who was running the response who was being, as you said, “wined and dined” abroad, or what was it really?

Keywords: R. Portugal; colonialism; embassies; ministries of health

Subjects: Guinea-Bissau; Portugal

01:17:27 - FELTP in Guinea-Bissau

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can we talk a little bit more about the FELTP stuff?

Keywords: Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP); WHO; trainings

Subjects: World Health Organization

01:21:32 - Final reflections on Guinea-Bissau and all Ebola deployments

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did you have an overriding sense of the trip as you were leaving? A feeling about having spent your time there?

Keywords: CDC; K. Delea; development; public health infrastructure

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Guinea-Bissau