Global Health Chronicles

Kristin Delea

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Sam Robson here with Kristin Delea. It is October 20th, 2016, and we’re in the CDC audio recording studio at the Roybal Campus in Atlanta, Georgia.

Keywords: CDC

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)

00:01:06 - Youth and education

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Partial Transcript: Can you tell me when and where you were born?

Keywords: cultures; outdoors; reading; science; skiing

Subjects: Mormonism; Rhodes College; Utah

00:07:20 - Travel to Mexico and Honduras

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Had you traveled outside the US before doing Peace Corps?

Keywords: HIV/AIDS

Subjects: Heifer International; Honduras; Mexico; infant and child health; nutrition

00:11:53 - Peace Corps in Panama

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What year did you go into the Peace Corps, it was in the nineties?

Keywords: M. Noriega; agriculture; development; education; environmental health; gender; infrastructure; power; roads; rural; teaching; violence; water

Subjects: DDT (Insecticide); Green Revolution; Panama; Panama Canal (Panama); Peace Corps (U.S.)

00:22:17 - Travel after Peace Corps

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Partial Transcript: What happens after Peace Corps? No, after Peace Corps you’re still in the country for a couple of years.

Keywords: siblings; travel

Subjects: Egypt; Florida; Islam; Panama; Peace Corps (U.S.); September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001

00:27:24 - Environmental health in Florida

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Partial Transcript: And then you moved to Florida?

Keywords: anthrax; environmental health; epidemiology; federal; food; hazardous materials; local; public health law; sanitarians; sanitation; water

Subjects: Florida; Palm Beach County (Fla.); malaria

00:39:25 - Getting a master of public health degree

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Partial Transcript: At that point, that’s when I really understood that epidemiology was something that I wanted to focus a little bit more on.

Keywords: environmental health; epidemiology; global health; master of public health (MPH); water

Subjects: DDT (Insecticide); Emory University; Mozambique; Rollins School of Public Health; pesticides

00:44:03 - Emerging Leaders Program fellowship

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Partial Transcript: But CDC was always something that I knew I wanted. I had met Julie Fishman, who has been a prominent figure in my life for a very long time now, when I was

Keywords: CDC; Emerging Leaders Program; FDA; HHS; J. Fishman; NCEH; NCEZID; capacity building; environmental health; fellowships; food; leadership; systems; water

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (U.S.); National Center for Environmental Health; United States. Department of Health and Human Services; United States. Food and Drug Administration

00:54:28 - Improving food safety surveillance

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Partial Transcript: Can you give me an example of one of those?

Keywords: FDA; NASA; USDA; authority; data; education; food safety; games; gaming; politics; power; surveillance; systems; trainings; water safety

Subjects: United States. Department of Agriculture; United States. Food and Drug Administration; United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

01:04:00 - Getting involved in CDC's Ebola response in Guinea-Bissau/Survey of Bissau

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Partial Transcript: I did some international rotations at that time too, around food safety and around water safety.

Keywords: Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA); embassies; infrastructure; living conditions; power grid

Subjects: Bissau (Guinea-Bissau); Boke (Guinea : Region); Guinea-Bissau; Mozambique; Portuguese language; Spanish language

01:11:29 - Building Guinea-Bissau's laboratory capacity/Developing public health leadership in-country

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Partial Transcript: We’re going to get back to building a lab in-country. That’s amazing.

Keywords: equipment; laboratories; polymerase chain reaction (PCR); sample collection; sample transport; technology

01:17:48 - The team working on Guinea-Bissau/Arriving in-country

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Partial Transcript: I think it would help me if we backed up just a little bit and kind of looked at the whole of your response.

Keywords: G. Garland; J. McAuliffe; N. Gaffga; R. Tauxe; T. Doyle; development; infrastructure; ministry of health; money; watch officers

Subjects: Guinea-Bissau; Mozambique; Senegal; United States. Department of State

01:29:00 - Recognizing and cultivating public health expertise in Guinea-Bissau

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Partial Transcript: Their public health institute was like CDC, it’s called INASA.

Keywords: AFRO; FETP; Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP); Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA); Microsoft Excel; National Institute of Public Health (INASA); P. Cardoso; T. Frieden; capacity building; data management; education; strategic planning; trainings

Subjects: Frieden, Tom; Guinea-Bissau; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Africa

01:36:11 - From global health security to rapid Ebola preparedness

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Partial Transcript: I went in January and I closed it on April 1st. Then I came home, and at that point I was still working at NCEH, and I came home and went back to NCEH.

Keywords: Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA); MSF; P. Cardoso; border health; communication; complacency; emergency preparedness; headquarters and the field; relationships

Subjects: Boke (Guinea : Region); CDC Emergency Operations Center; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Medecins sans frontieres (Association)

01:47:08 - Building capacity in Guinea-Bissau by starting with self-identified needs/Making a long-term commitment

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Partial Transcript: We were able to fight the fight at headquarters about, we had put together, “this is what it takes to build a system in a country.”

Keywords: Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP); Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP); IFRC; MSF; P. Cardoso; UNDP; assessments; capacity building; development; laboratories; partners; strategic planning; sustainability; technology

Subjects: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; Medecins sans frontieres (Association); UNICEF; World Bank

01:56:15 - Broader lessons in international emergency response

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Partial Transcript: To me, this is my passion, public health. I love emergency response.

Keywords: Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA); National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH); evaluation; fiscal responsibility; funding; lessons learned; sustainability; water safety

Subjects: Peace Corps (U.S.); Zika Virus

02:02:34 - Listening to developing countries/Having the right training for the right positions

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Partial Transcript: For me, that’s the part that I think we lack the most on sometimes. We don’t focus on health diplomacy, and we don’t always focus on listening to what the country is telling us.

Keywords: USAID; cultures; domestic; donors; health diplomacy; health security; languages; local solutions; politics; trainings

Subjects: United States. Agency for International Development; poliomyelitis

02:09:09 - Working across CDC, the US government, and the international community

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Partial Transcript: But yeah, Ebola definitely played a big role, and I would have to say completely--I mean, I don’t think completely changed my life

Keywords: CDC; NSC; credit; diversity; office politics; self-determination; sovereignty; teamwork

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); National Security Council (U.S.); Zika virus

02:12:46 - Reflections on working in Guinea-Bissau

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Partial Transcript: I want to ask, was there anything that we haven’t talked about that you want to talk about? Any topics, or any memories that you have that were important to you, that you’d like to share?

Keywords: CDC; P. Cardoso; bureaucracy; career; deployers; developing world; motivation; reporting; responders; short-term; transport; work relationships

Subjects: Africa, West; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Guinea-Bissau; Honduras; Panama