Global Health Chronicles

Gregory Armstrong

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:01:07 - Background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: To open it up, we usually start—we always start—at the beginning in oral histories.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong describes the many U.S. states he lived in through his childhood while briefly talking about his family.

Keywords: college; ellowship; engineer; graduate student

Subjects: AMD Program [Advanced Molecular Detection program]; Arizona; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Connecticut; Illinois; Massachusetts; Michigan; Virginia

00:02:32 - Speed Run Early Career

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Partial Transcript: OK. Let’s see.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong quickly overviews his early career and introduction to CDC.

Keywords: biology; biophysics; college; early career; elementary school; fellowship; infectious disease; international development; international health; medical school; polio; research project; residency; science

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Canada; Peace Corps; Togo; United States

00:03:57 - Peace Corps in Togo

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Partial Transcript: Could you give a few details and examples of your time in Togo?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about joining the Peace Corps after college and going to Togo to teach.

Keywords: biology; college; geology; language; math; natural science; physics; savannah; science; teachers; volunteer

Subjects: French; Peace Corps; Togo

00:05:35 - Student Concern

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Partial Transcript: Are there stories that stand out to you about your students?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong recalls a memory of students warning him away from the river near where he was teaching because of a tradition of sacrifice.

Keywords: colonizers; river; sacrifice; students

Subjects: France; Germany

00:07:34 - Medical School & Residency

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Partial Transcript: After that, you eventually went to medical school. How much time elapsed after the Peace Corps, before you—

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about his medical school and residency experience following the Peace Corps.

Keywords: PhD [doctor of philosophy degree]; Philadelphia [Pennsylvania]; fellowship; infectious disease; medical school; medicine; residency; transition

Subjects: Africa; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Peace Corps; South America; University of Pennsylvania; Washington D.C

00:09:28 - Path to Polio

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Partial Transcript: How did you move toward polio? What led you toward polio?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong details the various parts of CDC he worked for before arriving at polio.

Keywords: CMV [cytomegalovirus]; chicken pox; domestic side; hepatitis division; infectious disease; measles; mumps; norovirus; overseas; polio; refugee camps; refugee health branch; refugees; rotavirus; rubella; vaccine-preventable viral diseases; varicella; viral gastroenteritis; viral respiratory disease

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; DVD [Division of Viral Diseases]; Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health [IRMH] Branch, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease; NCIRD [National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases]; National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC; U.S. [United States]; VHD [Viral Hepatitis Division]

00:12:05 - Domestic Side of Polio

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Partial Transcript: At CDC, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is in one of CDC’s centers, the [National] Center for Global [Health].

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong describes how the different areas of CDC worked together on polio and how he focused on domestic policy.

Keywords: Kew, Olen M., PhD; Pallansch, Mark A., PhD; division; domestic side; eradication; laboratory; picornavirus; policy; polio; polio vaccination

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; DVD [Division of Viral Diseases]; GPEI [Global Polio Eradication Initiative]; Minnesota; NCIRD [National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases]; National Center for Global Health; Polio and Picornavirus Laboratory Branch; U.S. [United States]

00:13:34 - Optimism

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Partial Transcript: Around that time there was quite a bit of optimism,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the optimism present in the early eradication of polio and how that optimism began to fade as eradication came down to the final few countries.

Keywords: OPV [oral polio vaccine]; Type 2 wild poliovirus; eliminate; eradicate; optimism; overseas; polio; polio-free; vaccinated; vaccine

Subjects: Afghanistan; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; India; Nigeria; Pakistan; STOP [Stop Transmission of Polio] program; the Americas

00:16:36 - Vaccine Derived Polio Virus

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Partial Transcript: Were you thinking at all about circulating viruses?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses cVDPVs and their effects on the growing pessimism around polio eradication.

Keywords: cVDPVs [Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus]; chronically infected; immune deficiency; paralysis; pessimism; polio; polio transmission; setbacks; technical solution; transmission; vaccine; vaccine virus

Subjects: Africa; Division of Viral Diseases; Minnesota; Nigeria; Senegal; Somalia; US [United States]

00:19:20 - IMB

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Why would you agree to work on polio eradication?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the assignment of the IMB to analyze polio eradication.

Keywords: Frieden, Thomas R. “Tom”, MD, MPH; Gates, William H. “Bill”, III; Kew, Olen M., PhD; Mast, Dr. Eric E.; Pallansch, Mark A., PhD; assessment of progress; donors; eradicate; hepatitis division; initiative; pessimism; polio eradication; public health

Subjects: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Emergency Operations Center; GID [Global Immunization Division]; IMB [Independent Monitoring Board]; IMB [International Monitoring Board]; WHO [World Health Organization]

00:23:52 - Investment

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Partial Transcript: The other thing that had happened was that at that point in time,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the lack of early investment in research for polio eradication.

Keywords: eradication; incident manager; innovation; partners; polio; polio transmission; public health program; research; vaccines

Subjects: India; Nigeria

00:26:18 - Return to the Vaccine

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Partial Transcript: But getting back to the polio program,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about how doctors returned to looking at the vaccine for polio.

Keywords: Type 1; Type 2; Type 3; clinical trials; monovalent vaccines; oral polio vaccine; pharmacologically; polio program; poliovirus; resistance; technological advance; transmission; trivalent vaccine; vaccine

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; India

00:29:27 - Type 2

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Partial Transcript: But getting back to why this happens, this is a—and keep in mind I’m an epidemiologist; I’m not a virologist.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains how the oral polio vaccine was created and how Type 2 overwhelmed the Types.

Keywords: Type 1 poliovirus; Type 2; Type 3; attenuate; cell line; dose; elimination; epidemiologist; eradicate; gymnast; immunity; infancy; molecular tools; oral poliovirus; paralysis; poliovirus; primates; research; tOPV [trivalent vaccine]; tissue culture; vaccinology; virologist; virus; wild-type virus

Subjects: India

00:35:44 - Intro to the Polio Program

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Partial Transcript: OK. In 2012, December 2011, Dr. Tom Frieden activated the EOC.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about how he joined the polio program.

Keywords: Frieden, Thomas R. “Tom”, MD, MPH; Linkins, Robert W. “Robb”, MPH, PhD; Martin, Rebecca, PhD; Mast, Dr. Eric; Pallansch, Mark A., PhD; critical report; deputy incident manager; division director; global health emergency; influenza; pandemic; partnership; polio program

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; IMB [International Monitoring Board]; Vaccine Preventable Disease Eradication and Elimination Branch; WHA [World Health Assembly]

00:43:35 - Pros of EOC

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Partial Transcript: You just talked about problem solving.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains the benefits of moving the polio program to the EOC.

Keywords: Ebola; Frieden, Thomas R. “Tom”, MD, MPH; Linkins, Robert W. “Robb”, MPH, PhD; government bureaucracy; overseas; profile; public health initiatives; situation analysis; situational awareness; travel

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]

00:45:52 - Problem Solving

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Partial Transcript: Problem solving?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong recounts various issues they had to problem solve in the EOC.

Keywords: SARS [Severe acute respiratory syndrome]; anthrax; auditorium; communications; computer equipment; cubicle equipment; desks; outgrowing; pandemic; paperwork; problem solving; reorganize; vaccination campaigns

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; French

00:48:39 - Chaos

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Partial Transcript: Could you tell a few stories about the lessons learned during that period of time?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong briefly covers attempts to organize the chaos of the EOC.

Keywords: Subject:; chain; chaos; emergency response; outbreaks; scientific; standard organizational dynamics

Subjects: chain; chaos; emergency response; outbreaks; scientific; standard organizational dynamics

00:50:40 - Hierarchy

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Partial Transcript: Drawing from your memories of the EOC early on for polio, could you offer a few examples to illustrate the chaos, or to illustrate the problem solving?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains the hierarchy within setting up an organization in EOC and trying to resolve the stressors that come from that.

Keywords: academic; collaborative; command-and-control; independence; non-hierarchical; organization; personal issues; university

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]

00:54:48 - Reorganization

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was it like for you to manage that transition for your team?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong gives advice for reorganization.

Keywords: Ebola; branch; center; deploying; division; government; human; interview; low income countries; memory; overseas; people; polio; private sector; reorganization; repercussions; resources; security issues; skills; traumatic; volunteer

Subjects: EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; French; Guinea; Nigeria

01:01:54 - Pull Out

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Partial Transcript: Could you explain why, and what the situation was?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains having to pull someone out of Nigeria.

Keywords: Abuja [Nigeria]; insurgency; security situation; supervisors

Subjects: Afghanistan; Boko Haram; Pakistan

01:03:25 - Next Steps

Play segment

Partial Transcript: OK. We’ve moved through early lessons learned there.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the next steps in polio eradication following the early set up in the EOC.

Keywords: Atlanta [Georgia]; analysis; compound; counterparts; data; donors; embassy; endemic countries; immunization program; incident manager; monitor; polio immunity; polio transmission; support; vaccination campaigns

Subjects: Afghanistan; Chad; DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo]; IMB [Independent Monitoring Board]; Nigeria; Pakistan; Somalia; WHA [World Health Assembly]; WHO [World Health Organization]; West Africa

01:07:30 - Partners

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Since you brought up the Independent Monitoring Board and donors,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about working with various partners who are part of GPEI.

Keywords: advocacy; communication; field; partners; polio eradication; social mobilization; vaccination campaign

Subjects: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; GPEI [Global Polio Eradication Initiative]; IMB [Independent Monitoring Board]; Nigeria; Rotary International; UN [United Nations]; UNICEF [United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:11:21 - Lessons Learned in Partnership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Any lessons learned from working in partnership?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the lessons he learned about working with all the various GPEI partners.

Keywords: communication; partnership

Subjects: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; UNICEF [United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:12:45 - Rotary International

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Partial Transcript: I’ll ask you a little more for, just to finish out the list of partners.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong details the connection of Rotary International to GPEI.

Keywords: Cochi, Stephen L. “Steve”, MD, MPH; communications; global network; global polio eradication; partners; polio; social mobilization; technical capacity; transmission

Subjects: Brazil; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Nigeria; Pakistan; Philippines; Rotary International; UNICEFF [United Nations Emergency Children’s Fund]; WHA [World Health Assembly]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:16:58 - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

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Partial Transcript: How about Gates? Did you work closely with Gates? Bill and Melinda Gates?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains the benefits of working with the Gates Foundation.

Keywords: Abuja [Nigeria]; Canadian citizen; Galway, Michael; Kano [Nigeria]; billionaire; government employee; health department]; polio eradication; security; technical expertise

Subjects: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; India; Nigeria; U.S. [United States]

01:20:08 - NSTOP

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Partial Transcript: Returning back to the chronology. So we’re probably still looking at the time period around February, like March to summer 2012.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the creation of NSTOP in Nigeria.

Keywords: Frieden, Thomas R. “Tom”, MD, MPH; Mahoney, Frank J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; didactic training; disease; epidemiologist; ministry of health; outbreaks; physicians; polio; practical epidemiology; talent; university

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Egypt; FETP [Field Epidemiology Training Program]; India; Iraq; NSTOP [Nigeria Stop Transmission of Polio]; Nigeria; Pakistan; STOP [Stop Transmission of Polio]

01:27:59 - Tensions

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Partial Transcript: Now, getting that up and running was a bit of a challenge.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong recalls the tension between CDC and WHO during the creation of the NSTOP program.

Keywords: Mahoney, Frank J., MD [Medical epidemiologist]; Nguku, Dr. Patrick; infrastructure; operational presence; polio; vaccination campaign

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; FETP [Field Epidemiology Training Program]; NSTOP [Nigeria Stop Transmission of Polio]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:30:02 - Security

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is a follow-up question:

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the heightened security measures assigned to U.S government employees overseas after Benghazi.

Keywords: Benghazi experience; U.S. Citizen; U.S. government employees; UN employee; critical lens; diplomatic security; embassy; epidemiology expertise; laboratory capacity; overseas; partners; public health agency; security; technical expertise

Subjects: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; U.S. [United States]; UN [United Nations]; UNICEF [United Nations Children’s Fund]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:34:12 - Security Assessment Lessons

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You brought up security assessments a few minutes ago, and that’s kind of an opportunity for me to ask you about lessons learned, in terms of situational awareness—excuse me—and security assessments. Anything?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the purpose of security assessments.

Keywords: U.S. employees; data; diplomatic security; embassy; insecure areas; outbreak; overseas; poliovirus; risk; security assessments; security threats; situational awareness

Subjects: Afghanistan; CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Nigeria; Somalia; Syria; U.S. [United States]

01:37:08 - Hypotheticals

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And so, in the case of the polio program, the best estimates that we have,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the hypothetical situation of the polio program collapsing and the fallout of such a situation.

Keywords: baseball stadium; benefits; disease; economy; eradicating; human toll; immunization programs; lower-income countries; medical costs; paralyze; polio program; raw cost analysis; smallpox; statistics; suboptimal immunization system; vaccination

Subjects: Somalia; Syria; [U.S.] United States

01:41:55 - Nigeria

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Partial Transcript: We were talking about Nigeria.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the problems with the vaccination campaign in Nigeria and attempts to fix it.

Keywords: Atlanta [Georgia]; brainstorming; data; government; innovation; kids; polio eradication program; vaccinating; vaccination campaign

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; GPEI [Global Polio Eradication Initiative]; Gates Foundation [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]; NSTOP [Nigeria Stop Transmission of Polio]; Nigeria; UNICEF [United Nations Children’s Fund]; WHO [World Health Organization]

01:47:24 - Nigeria Upturn

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I think that that year, 2013, was really critical for Nigeria.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses 2013 as the year polio eradication began to improve in Nigeria.

Keywords: Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; Elmousaad, Hashim, MD; Mahoney, Frank J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; contractor; country representative; diplomatic security; employee; insecure areas; manager

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; NSTOP [Nigeria Stop Transmission of Polio]; Nigeria; WHO [World Health Organization]; Yemen

01:49:27 - Tensions in Pakistan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We were talking about Nigeria, now we’re, in the interest of time, moving into Pakistan.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains the impact the film Zero Dark Thirty had on polio vaccination in Pakistan.

Keywords: Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; Mahoney, Frank J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; U.S. agency; U.S. government employees; Zero Dark Thirty, Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. United States: Alliance Films, 2013. Film.; [Osama] Bin Laden; endemic countries; hepatitis B vaccination campaign; polio eradication program; polio vaccination campaign; tensions

Subjects: CIA [United States Central Intelligence Agency]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; Ethiopia; Nigeria; Pakistan; Somalia; U.S [United States]; WHO [World Health Organization]; Yemen

01:52:31 - Improvement in Pakistan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In addition to that, they also had a field epidemiology training program [FETP] that was involved in the polio eradication program.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the polio vaccination campaign improving in Pakistan.

Keywords: Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; effective managers; field; optimistic; polio eradication program; poliovirus; strategic plan; transmission; vaccination campaigns

Subjects: FETP [field epidemiology training program]; National emergency action plan; Pakistan

01:54:29 - Shootings

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Partial Transcript: But then, in late December—I think it was December 19, early in the morning—we started hearing these reports about shootings of polio workers in Pakistan.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the targeted shootings of polio workers in Pakistan and interruptions to the program.

Keywords: Atlanta [Georgia]; Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; acute emergency; coordinated attacks; healthcare workers; optimism; polio workers; polio-free; poliovirus; shootings; transmission; vaccination campaign; violence

Subjects: Afghanistan; Nigeria; Pakistan

01:58:59 - Effect on EOC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Was the role of the Emergency Operations Center in Atlanta at CDC that of sort of a bystander?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about the effects of the shootings on the EOC in Atlanta.

Keywords: Atlanta [Georgia]; Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; Ehrhardt, Derek T., MPH, MSN; Middle East team; U.S. government employees; bystander; discouraging; effective; healthcare worker; on-the-ground presence; tragic; trainings

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; FETP [field epidemiology training program]; Middle East; Pakistan; UNICEF [United Nation Children’s Fund]; WHO [World Health Organization]

02:01:58 - The Switch

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Partial Transcript: Moving forward in time: 2013.

Segment Synopsis: Hana and Armstrong briefly discuss the Switch.

Keywords: Switch; turning points

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]

02:02:49 - Winding Down

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Partial Transcript: Twenty-thirteen turning points?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks about winding down his role in the EOC with polio eradication and joining the newly established program studying pathogen genomics.

Keywords: DNA sequencing; Heningburg, Anne-Rènee, MPA; Martin, Rebecca, PhD; attack; critical phase; eradication; infrastructure; pathogen genomics; polio workers; polio-free; public health programs; routine immunization; security; setback; technical; technological revolution

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; Nigeria; Pakistan

02:10:02 - Transition

Play segment

Partial Transcript: [Dr.] John [F.] Vertefeuille—

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses meeting John Vertefeuille who would become the next incident manager of the polio program in the EOC following Frank Mahoney’s departure.

Keywords: Mahoney, Frank, J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; Vertefeuille, Dr. John F.; country lead; country manager; critical; incident manager; polio program; strong personalities; transition

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Haiti; Nigeria; U.S. [United States]

02:12:49 - Difference in Skillsets

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Briefly, what are those differences in skillsets?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong details the difference in skillsets between Frank Mahoney and John Vertefeuille.

Keywords: Mahoney, Frank, J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; Vertefeuille, Dr. John F.; embassy; epidemiologist; hierarchical situation; language; management type; organizational person; resources; seat-of-the-pants; skillsets

02:15:22 - Teams

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Super. I wonder—one of my closing questions, there are a couple,

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong talks briefly about the importance of work various teams of eradicators did in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Keywords: Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; Ehrhardt, Derek T., MPH, MSN; Elmousaad, Hashim, MD; Mahoney, Frank, J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; Vertefeuille, Dr. John F.; polio eradication program

Subjects: EM [Eastern Mediterranean]; Nigeria; Pakistan

02:17:18 - Elias Durry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You mentioned several times that he is very effective in the field, and we have three sessions with him.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong explains why Elias Durry was so effective working in the field on polio eradication.

Keywords: Durry, Elias, MD, MPH; Mahoney, Frank J., MD [medical epidemiologist]; agency; data; diplomacy; diplomatic skills; epidemiology; international partners; management; negotiate; technical skills

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Pakistan

02:20:18 - Frustrations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Any other thoughts, having had this conversation?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong mentions his frustration at not being able to be in the field more.

Keywords: field; incident manager

Subjects: CDC [United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]

02:21:27 - Do It Again

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Partial Transcript: Steve Cochi contributed this question, overall, if you had to do over again, would you work in polio eradication?

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong reflects on his gratefulness to be part of polio eradication and that he’d gladly do it again.

Keywords: Cochi, Stephen L. “Steve”, MD, MPH; polio eradication

02:21:52 - Wrapping Up

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Great. I think that sums most of it up.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong suggests a few other people to talk to who were involved in polio eradication.

Keywords: Atlanta [Georgia]; Elmousaad, Hashim, MD; Mahoney, Frank J., MD [Medical epidemiologist]; interviewing guide

Subjects: EOC [Emergency Operations Center]; Gates Foundation [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]; Nigeria; Pakistan; SHOC [Strategic Health Operations Center]; UNICEF [United Nations Children’s Fund] Interdivisional Emergency Coordinating Committee; WHO [World Health Organization]