Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Daphne Moffett

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:25 - Youth and education through college

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Daphne, if you could please give me where and when you were born?

Keywords: parents; siblings; travel

Subjects: Australia; Ohio; Rotary International

00:05:14 - Graduate school in Montana and move back to Ohio

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I finished my undergraduate and then decided that I didn’t want to stay in Ohio any longer

Keywords: HIV/AIDS; biochemistry; children; outdoors; science; spouse

Subjects: Montana; Ohio

00:08:46 - CDC fellowship/Family/Mentors

Play segment

Partial Transcript: There were some fellowship opportunities that came up at CDC, and I thought, this sounds fascinating.

Keywords: C. Wesdemiotis; HIV/AIDS; NHANES; children; environmental health; gender; husband; laboratory science; mentors; spouse

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (U.S.)

00:16:05 - Joining the US Public Health Service/Environmental health work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: There was a position available in the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ATSDR, in the Office of Tribal Affairs.

Keywords: EPA; Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); Office of Tribal Affairs; R. Williams; USPHS; WHO; community outreach; environmental health; partners; pollution; superfund

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); United States. Environmental Protection Agency; United States. Public Health Service. Commissioned Corps; World Health Organization

00:20:45 - Injury prevention work/Coming back to ATSDR

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I went to Injury Prevention after that. I had worked there for probably five years.

Keywords: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); D. Sleet; cars; motor vehicles

00:24:39 - Working on Haiti earthquake and cholera response

Play segment

Partial Transcript: While I was the ADS in the Division of Health Assessment and Consultation, I got called up and sent to Haiti basically because I had the right skills.

Keywords: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); J. Tappero; N. Schaad; PTSD; W. Cibulas; animals; community outreach; community trust; emergency operations centers (EOCs); emergency response; global health; health communications; languages; mental health; mentors; messaging; pets; public health infrastructure; resilience; resiliency training; surveillance

Subjects: CDC Emergency Operations Center; French language; Haiti; Haiti Earthquake, Haiti, 2010.; Post-traumatic stress disorder; cholera

00:44:36 - Moving to Tanzania

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So then what happens with you?

Keywords: A. Schuchat; Center for Global Health (CGH); Health Systems Reconstruction Office (HSRO); J. Tappero; children

Subjects: Tanzania

00:50:05 - The West African Ebola epidemic begins/Outlook from Tanzania

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We are back, Sam Robson here with Daphne Moffett. We left off at, you’re in Tanzania, and then you got a call about Ebola.

Keywords: emergency preparedness

Subjects: Africa, West; Ebola virus disease; Tanzania

00:54:04 - Getting called to serve in West Africa for CDC's Ebola response

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The agency had started requesting deployers. They were requesting people to go. It was a big, broad catchment.

Keywords: contractors; family; full-time equivalent staff (FTEs); safety; security

Subjects: French language

00:59:21 - Arriving in Sierra Leone/The condition of the US government response

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I deployed—this was in August, and I got to Sierra Leone.

Keywords: DART; EIS; Epi Info; L. Nolen; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); OFDA; Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel; USAID; United States government (USG); case definitions; clothing; data management; epidemiology; flights; luggage; partners; personal protective equipment (PPE); safety; security; signs and symptoms; teamwork

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; United States. Agency for International Development. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance

01:11:56 - Individuals and organizations who made a big difference in Sierra Leone

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We had some amazing leadership. There were a couple of people in particular within the government and within the ministry that there is no way we could have done what we did without their support.

Keywords: A. Jambai; C. Stokes; Kenema Government Hospital; collaboration; equipment; funding; mental health; partners; personal protective equipment (PPE); power; resilience; teamwork; transportation; vehicles

Subjects: CDC Foundation

01:17:39 - Staffing CDC's response in Sierra Leone

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was hard on them was the constant rotation of staff because they would have—okay, so you’re the epi lead for how long?

Keywords: deployments; long-term; partners; short-term; staff rotation; trust

Subjects: Haiti

01:24:06 - Maintaining health among responders, before and after deployment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: One of the other policies that changed too—it was interesting.

Keywords: S. Wiersma; evacuations; fevers; illness; isolation; medevac; monitoring; temperature

Subjects: CDC Emergency Operations Center

01:32:21 - Summary of role as epidemiology lead in-country

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I think I have a good sense of it, but how would you describe your role in that first deployment?

Keywords: Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control (DPC); Epi Info; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); collaboration; data management; districts; epidemiologists; epidemiology; meetings; partners; rural; supervising; triage

01:39:09 - Working with laboratory folks and international partners

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Partial Transcript: The laboratories, we had a fantastic—well of course, our lab was there, which was great, and then the South Africans had brought in a lab, which was also fantastic.

Keywords: A. Jambai; J. Klena; MSF; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); WHO; capacity building; communication; laboratories; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Subjects: Medecins sans frontieres (Association); World Health Organization

01:46:06 - Break after first deployment/Deciding to deploy a second time/On a plane with Dr. Frieden

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you have three months off, I suppose, from that.

Keywords: T. Frieden; T. Kenyon; director; flights; illness

Subjects: Frieden, Tom; Tanzania

01:50:45 - Leading contact tracing during second deployment to Sierra Leone

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Partial Transcript: The second time after, so three months have passed, I’m asked to come back

Keywords: A. Jambai; Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); O. Morgan; Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel; S. Hersey; UNFPA; briefings; contact tracing; education; isolation; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); partners; quarantine; temperature; thermal scanners; thermometers; trainings

Subjects: World Health Organization

02:05:20 - Issues surrounding quarantine in Sierra Leone/Preparing for a time after Ebola

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Back to the quarantine, how did that evolve and resolve, to what degree?

Keywords: A. Jambai; British military; District Ebola Response Centers (DERCs); Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR); Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS); National Ebola Response Center (NERC); O. Morgan; WHO; capacity building; isolation; politics; public health infrastructure; quarantine; resources

Subjects: World Health Organization

02:12:54 - Lessons learned from time in Sierra Leone/Remembering people's humanity

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Anything else you want to talk about related to the second deployment?

Keywords: A. Jambai; WHO; chocolate; collaboration; discussions; inspiration; meetings; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); partners; strategic planning; teamwork

Subjects: World Health Organization

02:19:03 - Work since responding to the West African Ebola epidemic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you wrap up the deployment. Can you bring me up to today?

Keywords: USAID; associate director for science (ADS)

Subjects: Central Asia; Kazakhstan; Tanzania; United States. Agency for International Development