Thomas Weiser - Session 2

David J. Sencer CDC Museum


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00:00:39 - COVID-19 Information Distribution

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Partial Transcript: So, let’s start off with when the pandemic hit and the first iterations you saw of the pandemic.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his perspective of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic response, focusing on how information was distributed between health jurisdictions.

Keywords: 2002 – 2004 SARS outbreak; 2019 coronavirus outbreak; A. Terranella; A. Wu; C. Davis; CDC assignee; Career Epidemiology Field Officer [CEFO]; Ebola; Environmental Health Lead; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] officer; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare; Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA] New England Journal; K. Carter; M. Griffin; Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome [MERS]; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report [MMWR]; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Portland Area Indian Health Service [IHS]; Portland, Oregon; SARS-CoV; SARS-CoV-1; area clinicians; assistance; authors; availability; bi-yearly meeting; bound; case reporting; cases; chief medical officer [CMO]; clinical operations; consensus; daily digest; direction; discretion; discuss; distillations; distinct need; distinct reasoning; due diligence; email; email traffic; emerging threats; epi-update; epidemiology updates; escalation; face-to-face meeting; fear; group; health alerts; health board; heated discussions; help; helpful; inbox; information distribution; information source; international research; international transmission; international travel; international update; latitude; limitation; links; literature; local context; local health jurisdiction; local situation; lockdown; medical epidemiologist; monthly updates; national research; nerves; newsfeeds; newsletter issues; notebook; novel virus; official; opined; opioid prevention; pediatric opioid response; port; published articles; regional update; relevant; repeat; reputable websites; risk assessment; risk level; series; shutdown; source; specifics; speed; state health jurisdiction; state updates; stay-at-home orders; synopsis; takeaway; talk; tied-up; timeline; title slide; top-down directive; unofficial channels; various sources; web call; webinar; website navigation; weekly updates; early reports

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Idaho; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Oregon; Washington; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; virus; China

00:13:36 - COVID-19 Incident Command Structure and Funding

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Partial Transcript: Once there was a total declaration of emergency and, which I think was March 13th, then we had our incident command set up. That was for the Portland Area Indian Health Service.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses how the incident command structures for the Portland Area Indian Health Service and the Indian Health Service [IHS] formed after the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a national emergency in early March 2020.

Keywords: CDC assignee; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] officer; Indian Health Service [IHS] headquarters; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Portland Area Indian Health Service [IHS]; area office; authority; backing; capacity; captain; chief medical officer; clinical sites; colleagues; collective representation; combined incident command structure; command; consultant role; counterparts; declaration of emergency; directly operate; director; facilities; facilities; funding control; funding resources; funding support; incident command system [ICS]; internal decision; medical epidemiologist; obligation; ongoing programs; priorities; program operations; public health emergency; public health emergency; rank; resource management; resource support; responsibilities; self-determined; staff; support; tribal delegates; tribal independence; tribal nations; tribal representatives; tribal sovereignty; incident command

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; career; communication; community; coordination; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; virus; Oregon

00:18:21 - COVID-19 Preparedness and Testing

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Partial Transcript: So, after those first couple of weeks and months, how did the rest of COVID play out for you? One more question. Having so many incident command structures, did that create challenges in how you got your messaging out or —

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses some successes and challenges in the lead up to the development of COVID-19 vaccines and tests, including the impact of supply chain issues.

Keywords: 2002 – 2004 SARS outbreak; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]; CDC failures; N-95 respirator masks; N. Messonnier; Rural Indian Health Board; Sacramento, California; W. Shakespeare; applause; appreciated; area clinicians; asymptomatic spread; availability; biweekly updates; clarity; cleared; contact tracing; contacts; different; discussion; disease spread; early setbacks; early tools; emotional; epidemiologists; faulty tests; foreknowledge; forms; group; honesty; impact; important tool; improvements; interview; isolation; laboratory; limited testing; liquid viral transport medium; local clinicians; lockdown; major pandemic; masking recommendations; maternal mortality review committees; meeting; memory; messaging; millions; missing cases; monitor; national stockpile; outbreak investigation; patient criteria; permission; personal protective equipment [PPE]; phone call; positive asymptomatically; positive pre-symptomatically; positive test; prepared; presentation; priority patient; public appearance; public health experts; quarantine; recognized; recollection; record; regret; release; restrictive testing; review; saline; sample; scarcity; setback; sharing; shipment; shortages; shortages; shutdown; social distancing recommendations; speech; speed; spread; standing ovation; state specific processes; stay-at-home orders; straight talk; supply chain issues; swabs; symptomatic testing; symptoms; symptoms; test dependent; testing criteria; testing development; testing process; testing roll-out; testing supplies; transmission; transport medium; trust; truth; unchecked spread; vaccine development; vaccine experts; viral sequencing; virus identification; weekly updates; challenges

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; California; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Idaho; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Washington; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; preparedness; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; technology; testing; travel; vaccines; virus; Oregon

00:28:31 - COVID-19 Shutdown

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Partial Transcript: It was in early March, I think a couple days before that, maybe March 10th, I was planning to go on vacation with my family.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience living alone for the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: 2002–2004 SARS outbreak; alone; bedtime; breaks; case-study; clarity; co-housing community; common house; community meals; compliance rate; controversy; cooking; daily needs; daughter; disrupted; early testing; emotions; extended family; extended travel; fall; focus; government declaration; guidance; hardship; high school senior; interruptions; isolation; learning experience; lockdown; masking culture; masks; neighbors; over; plane tickets; plans; potluck; protection; protests; quarantine; rapid response; relief; school shutdowns; self-managed condominium; senior year; separation; social interaction; spring break; stay-at-home orders; stigma; summer; support; wife; worry; vacation

Subjects: Asia; COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Oregon; South Korea; career; communication; community; coordination; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; experience; family; government; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; international emergency response; job; logistics; masking; medicine; mental health; pandemic; physician; planning; policy; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; testing; travel; virus; Japan

00:33:06 - COVID-19 Masking and Supply Chain Issues

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Partial Transcript: One of the worst was telling them masks are still not recommended, we don’t know if it helps or not.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses changing masking guidelines and the confusion surrounding masking messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: CDC communication; Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA]; H1N1 supplies; N95 masks; N95 respirator; N95 stockpile; New York City, New York; Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; additional spending authorities; aerosol generating procedures; aerosolization risk; allegations; allocations; allowed; allusions; boxes; breathe; changing guidelines; cloth masks; concrete plans; conflicting messages; confusion; constraints; contracts; critical care; critical issues; critical patient care; criticism; distribute; elastic; emergency declaration; employee use; employment settings; exposure; fabric; federal employees; field hospitals; filtering; fit tested; fit testing spray shortages; fraud; funding; gaps; gowns; healthcare provider; healthcare setting; healthcare worker support; high prices; homemade masks; hood; hospital; hospital masking policies; hospital need; images; individual citizens; information source; large healthcare settings; limited choices; limited services; lukewarm recommendation; machine; mailed; mask designs; mask seal; masking recommendations; mass fit testing; mass quarantine centers; material; national supply service center; official information; opinion; pandemic planning; path of least resistance; pathogens; permitted; personal protective equipment [PPE]; pictures; potential COVID patients; pressure; protection level; qualitative testing systems; quantitative testing systems; regulation; resources; respirator; respiratory patients; risk assessment; saccharin spray; saline; service units; sewing skills; sharing; shelf life extension; short; short-term shortages; shortages; sizing; small healthcare settings; smell; sources; staffing issues; state sources; structure; supply chain issues; surgical masks; swabs; taste; temporary facilities; temporary hospitals; traditional sewing; transportation; tribal communities; tribal facilities; tube; vaccine transport medium; vendors; masking guidelines

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; China; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Oklahoma; career; communication; community; coordination; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; masking; masking; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; politics; public health; qualifications; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; technology; testing; virus; Oregon

00:43:56 - COVID-19 Operation Warp Speed

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Partial Transcript: In April, end of April, President Trump launches Operation Warp Speed and that is creating a vaccine.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser briefly discusses Operation Warp Speed.

Keywords: CDC experts; COVID-19 work group; Moderna; Pfizer; backseat; bi-weekly meetings; busy; confidence; confidentiality; considerations; equitable distribution; meetings; pharmaceutical companies; pneumococcal vaccine work group; presentations; representative; schedule; thinking process; vaccine development; weekly meetings; work groups; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; public health; qualifications; relationships; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; vaccines; virus; Indian Health Service [IHS]

00:46:32 - COVID-19 Native Response

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Partial Transcript: I really appreciated that because as we were by then seeing in April and May, how the Navajo Nation was impacted early on by COVID and how it just rapidly spread through those communities.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses some of the successes and challenges of the Native response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: A. Wu; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] officer; H1N1; Indian country; Native communities; New York Times Magazine; Pacific Northwest; White Mountain Apache; White River service unit; ability; case count; case investigations; chronic illness care; clinic management; clinical care; close quarters; communication barriers; community health nurses; community outreach; consultation; contact tracing; control; county health departments; discovery; disease spread; distance; elder; electricity; event; existential threat; exposure; follow-up; funeral; hand washing; home healthcare; home visiting program; home visits; household clusters; ill person; incident command; intergenerational living; internet access; large families; legacy; local health jurisdictions; majority; miles; mistrust; mobilize; neighbors; news article; outbreak clusters; patient; permission; pertussis; population centers; positive test; public health nurses; public health nursing capacity; public health service career; rapid spread; reluctant; reservation; running water; service units; sexually transmitted infections [STI]; sick; skeptical; small homes; social gathering; story; success; success stories; surprise; team; training materials; transmission; trauma; tribal independence; tribal lands; tribal management; tribal nations; tribal operations; tribal sovereignty; trickling cases; tuberculosis [TB]; visual; water access; water supply; workforce trainings; vaccine equity

Subjects: Apache Reservation; COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Navajo Nation; White Mountain Apache Nation; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; testing; vaccines; virus; Arizona

00:54:06 - COVID-19 Data Collection

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Partial Transcript: I mentioned earlier about the ICS and the health board had its ICS and IHS had its ICS.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses some of the details and challenges of data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] compliant; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] conflict; Indian Health Service [IHS] headquarters; M. Bastin; Microsoft Excel; National Institutes of Health [NIH]; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Office of Management and Budget [OMB]; Research Electronic Data Capture [REDCap]; Statistical Analysis System [SAS]; SurveyMonkey; Yakama Nation; Yakama service unit; address; age breakdown; agency funding; agreement; area report; area spreadsheet; assistance; authorization; black box tools; burden; bureaucratic; case interviews; case investigations; case numbers; case tracking; clinical follow-up; clinical trials; close communities; collate; comparison; compliance; complied; consistent data; contact information; contact tracers; contact tracking; conversation; daily report; daily spreadsheet; data analysis; data cleaning; data collection form design; data collection needs; data infrastructure; data quality parameters; data tools; death rate; delivery; demographic variables; determination; electronic health records; email; epidemiologist; export; federal employee; fields; food boxes; forwarded; free; frustration; functionalities; gender breakdown; guidance; healthcare provider; high case counts; home visits; hospitalization rate; hours; information collection support; information security; inputs; law; legal interpretations; limited information; limiting; link; list; load; logic; medications; national archives criteria; national level; national report; negative test; nuance; office of technology; offset; overwhelmed; oxygen sensors; paperwork; phone call; positive test; privacy; procedures; public health nurses; rates; reach out; red tape issue; research studies; result; risk factors; road block; rules and regulations; server; sex breakdown; spreadsheet; staffing; standards; steps; stigma; survey; system; system of record; system of record; testing data; testing information; thermometer; time sink; tool; tribal council members; tribal councils; tribal enrollment; underfunded; underlying conditions; unknown information; vacant positions; vaccine status; validations; values; volume; voluntary data collection; waiver; incident command system [ICS]

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Idaho; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Washington; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; testing; vaccines; virus; Oregon

01:10:23 - COVID-19 Native Response Cont.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Has that rocky road gotten a little bit smoother?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses his perspective on the ending of COVID-19 pandemic response activities among tribes.

Keywords: COVID-19 programs; COVID-19 variants; Costco; airports; asymptomatic; bivalent booster; businesses; case investigation; case tracking; characteristic; closed; complacency; contact tracing; county health jurisdictions; death rates; economic burden; emotions; feelings; finished; funding; grocery stores; guidance; infectious period; local health jurisdictions; masking policies; masking policy; mortality rate; need; needs; new; normality; ongoing; opening; over; percentage; personal opinion; phase; planes; pre-symptomatic period; safety; schools; shutdown; social communication; social distancing; spending; spread; transmissibility; transmission; transportation hubs; treatment availability; tribal nations; tribal operations; vaccination coverage; vaccine availability; wants; COVID-19 activities

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; economics; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; masking; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; testing; vaccines; variants; virus; Indian Health Service [IHS]

01:14:18 - COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Now I want to return back to vaccines, and you’re work.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses how the COVID-19 vaccine was distributed among tribes.

Keywords: Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response [ASPR]; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]; AstraZeneca trial; Bellingham, Washington; COVID Vaccine Work Group meetings; COVID-19 vaccine rollout; Confederate Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation; Eastern Oregon; Facebook; H1N1; Indian Health Service [IHS] headquarters; Indian Health Service [IHS] hospitals; Indian Health Service clinics; Lummi Nation; M. Martinez; N. Lewis; N. Lewis; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Oklahoma City National Service Supply Center; Oklahoma City National Service Supply Center; Operation Warp Speed; Pendleton, Oregon; Pfizer vaccine; Privacy Act; Public Information Officer [PIO]; Spokane tribal member; Strategic National Stockpile [SNS]; Warm Springs, Oregon; Yakama Nation; Yakama service unit; achievement; acronyms; acute care; adamant; advertise; age; age; age-based determination; ageism; ambulatory care centers; announcement; appointments; area director; asset; authority; basis; building; bureaucrat; care providers; careful driving; chairman; chronic illness care; clearance; clinic leaders; cold chain management; community health representative network; community resources; convened; council; county level government; definitions; deliberations; delivery; deviations; digital literacy; discussions; disease spread; distribution; drive; drive-up stations; drove; effectiveness; elder population; elders; embedded staff; emergency preparedness meeting; emotions; equitable treatment; everyday tools; expectations; extra; fair treatment; fairness; federal entities; federal service units; feedback; field hospital; fifty; fifty-five; first allocation; first come, first serve; first pool; first shipments; goals; goals; government entities; government interaction; government-to-government; guilt; headquarters incident command; health care equipment; health jurisdictions; healthcare workers; historical memory; honor; hospital capacity; hospital operation; hours; individually recognized federal tribes; insult; intended recipient audience; interaction; internet; issue; knowledge keepers; large federal repository; larger scales; layers; leadership roles; least harm; lessons learned; lottery; mask use; masking compliance; mechanism; memory; message; messaging; mobile unit; modular building; notice; nuance; online; open; outdoors; outside; overshadowed; overwhelmed; participation; participation; pharmacists; point of contact; policy development; possibility; post; preconditions; preparations; prioritization sub-team; priority populations; priority populations; proactive; procedures; product; program development; protection; public meetings; purchase; pushback; random chance; rapport; reasonable accommodation; reasoning; recent memory; recognition; relief; requirements; respect; responsibility level; reverence; routine vaccinations; savvy; scarce resource; scarcity; self-governance; self-protective; shipping case; sick person care; sign-up; sites; skepticism; social distancing protocols; sovereign nation; sparks; special campaign; specific allotment; staffing; state level government; states; statisticians; stepped-up; storage requirements; streamlined distribution; success; surge capacity; symptom screenings; target population; temporary structures; tents; territories; time; traditional knowledge; transmissibility; transmission; transportation access; transportation vehicles; trauma; tribal clinics; tribal communities; tribal consultation; tribal leader; tribal leaders; tribal listening sessions; tribal members; tribal needs; tribal newspapers; tribal radio stations; tribal sovereignty; tribal wishes; trust level; ultra-cold freezers; unknown; usage; vaccine allocation; vaccine box; vaccine development; vaccine distributors; vaccine equity; vaccine roll-out; vaccine rollout; vaccine shipments; vaccine source; vaccine supply; vaccine task force [VTF]; vaccine trial participation; vetted; vulnerable; warehouse workers; willingness; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Montana; Navajo Nation; Oklahoma; Oregon; age; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; jurisdictions; leadership; logistics; medicine; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; preparedness; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; testing; vaccines; virus; Washington

01:41:15 - Indian Health Service [IHS] Cont.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I kind of want to get to more of a personal part of this.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses some of the challenges he faced at Indian Health Service [IHS] and in the field of public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: 180-degree difference; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response [ASPR]; Biden administration; CDC Foundation; Commissioned Corps; D. Trump; Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes [ECHO]; Facebook; General Schedule [GS] system; HHS Region Ten; HIS ICS team; Indian Health Service [HIS] Office of Quality; Indian Health Service [HIS] director; Indian Health Service [HIS] headquarters; Indian Health Service [IHS] area office; Indian Health Service [IHS] incident command system [ICS] team; Maternal Mortality Review Committee [MMRC]; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Obama administration; R. Tso; Trump administration; White River, Arizona; acquisitions staff; acting director; address; administrative staff; advice; advice; anger; appointment; arcane; area director; ask; attention; big deal; board meeting; bureaucracy; capabilities; career IHS employees; case investigations; challenges; change; chief medical officer [CMO]; choke up; communication barriers; communication issues; confirmation; confirmation challenges; constraints; contact tracing; contentious; cost; current administration; death; delegates; disaster; doctors; earful; educated; emotions; existential; expensive; federal level; feeling; focus; former boss; frankness; frustrated; frustration; full-time employees; funding shortfall; government vacancy; health board; health board meeting; health board meetings; hello; help; hepatitis A cases; highest levels; hiring challenges; hiring process; homeless populations; hospital systems; hospitalizations; human resources [HR] staff; ignorance; illiteracy; in-person; incompetence; internal medicine; internist; isolation centers; issue tracking; issues; leadership change; locum tenens; loss; mechanisms; mentor; messaging; messaging strategy; missing; missteps; mistakes; monkeypox [mpox]; nurses; office; open communication; pay; people who use drugs; percentage; personal level; powerless; primary email address; priorities; projects; public health lead; quit; ranks; regional administrators; remote work; remote work; resources; roadblocks; roll-out; salary; service unit; set-up; severe; shift; sincere; slow; staff; staffing; straight answer; stress; support staff; switched; talk; telework; telework; threat; time; tools; training; unable; unacceptable; understanding; understanding; unfamiliarity; usual; way forward; weekly health board calls; work around; working from home; worse; years; declarations

Subjects: Alaska; COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Idaho; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; Oregon; Washington; career; communication; community; coordination; data; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; money; pandemic; partnerships; physician; planning; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; research; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; virus; Arizona

01:56:39 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: All of those frustrations would boil up, and so I would work really hard, you know, Monday through Friday and then Saturday or Sunday I would sleep in.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic affected his personal life and describes his thoughts on broader societal stresses, including the murder of George Floyd, wildfires, climate change, and information sharing.

Keywords: 1918 influenza pandemic; Black Live Matter; FaceTime; G. Floyd; Playing for Change; Portland, Oregon; YouTube videos; ability; air; alcohol; apology; beauty; belief; better; blow-up; boil-up; breathe; burned; capability; catastrophic; choice; church; climate change; colleagues; community; computer mouse; condominium; conference calls; consumption; dangerous; dangers; daughter; destroyed; devastating; disaster; disbelief; documenting; dog; dog walking; dress rehearsal; drinking; east wind; effort; emotional experience; end of the world; example; existence; failure; familiar; fires; firestorm; focus; frustrations; good communication; grief; grieving; happy hour; hard work; headphones; help; highjacked; hiking; hope; hopeless; hotspot; impact; important; independent; indoors; information gap; inside; insight; inspiration; invisible; late-night comedians; leaders; learn; level; limitations; listening; lockdown; long hours; masks; mass; memory; mess; messaging; misinformation; more; movement; murder; music videos; nice; nudge; on-track; online service; opinion; overcome; pain; pajamas; personal experience; phone; photographer; playing music; pollution; protect; protests; pull together; relax; retirees; service units; shutdown; sleep-in; smoke; social justice; socializing; son; stop; summer; tangible; time; togetherness; tribes; uncertainty; vaccination choice; visibility; weird; wildfires; wish; yard; stress

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; animals; career; children; climate; communication; community; disease; doctor; domestic emergency response; environment; epidemiology; equality; equity; experience; family; food; friendship; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; masking; medicine; mental health; music; nature; pandemic; partnerships; physician; politics; public health; qualifications; relationships; religion; role; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health departments; vaccines; virus; Oregon