Thomas Weiser - Session 1

David J. Sencer CDC Museum


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00:00:21 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Dr. Weiser, is the medical epidemiologist for the Portland Area Indian Health Service, assigned to the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, and the Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center, there we go.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer outlines Dr. Thomas Weiser’s background and qualifications.

Keywords: American Indian, Alaskan Native people; CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]; EIS alumni; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Indian Health Service Ex Officio representative; Indian Health Service Heroin, Opioids, and Pain Efforts [HOPE] Committee; Indian Health Service medical officer; Native American tribes; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center; Pacific Northwest Native American tribes; Portland Area Indian Health Service; Portland Area Indian Health Service Institutional Review Board; Portland Oregon; United States Public Health Service [USPHS]; White River, Arizona; chair; cochair; correction; epi center; epidemiologic research; expertise; metrics subcommittee; timeline; medical epidemiologist

Subjects: American Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Arizona; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indigenous people; career; communication; community; data; doctor; epidemiology; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; medicine; physician; public health; qualifications; research; role; rural health; substance abuse; vaccines; Oregon

00:02:09 - Background and Education

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Partial Transcript: All right. So, before we delve into all those details of your experience, and with COVID-19, could you tell me a little bit about your family background, and the community where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his childhood, family background, and early educational path and influences.

Keywords: Air Force; Antelope Valley; Antelope Valley Community College; Antelope Valley High School; Buffalo, New York; Cheektowaga, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Humboldt State University; Irving, California; Lancaster, California; Mojave Desert, Los Angeles [LA], California; Northern California; UC Irvine; University of California at Irvine; affordability; apartment; bachelor’s in science [BS]; breathing; cancellation; career enlisted Air Force member; change; cigarettes; cut; desert; doctor; exposure; fast food; father; financial aid package; friends; high school; hospital; hospital kitchen; hospitalized; housing board; injury; iron lung; medic; medical career; middle school; miliary service; military family; months; moving; nurses; off-campus; orange juice; parent; parents; part-time work; physical therapy; polio; pretend surgery; reception; rehab; rent; savings; scalpel; sickness; smoking; social comfort; stuffed animal; suburbs; success; surgery; transfer; tuition; weakness; wedding day; withheld information; working student; Wright Patterson Air Force Base

Subjects: Arizona; California; England; New York; United Kingdom [UK]; Vietnam; career; college; community; disease; education; equipment; family; health; health systems; healthcare; job; learning; medicine; military; money; role; school; science; training; travel; university; Ohio

00:09:44 - Community Health and Social Justice

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Partial Transcript: Okay. And then, you talked about an inspiring pediatrician that you met, that introduced you to social justice.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes discovering the public health field and his early involvement in both community health and the social justice movement at the University of California at Irvine.

Keywords: B. Lares; Baja California, Mexico; Ensenada, Mexico; Irvine, California; Masters in Public Health [MPH]; Orange County, California; Santa Ana, California; UC Irvine; UCLA School of Public Health; US/Mexico border; University of California at Irvine; University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health; assistance; breastfeeding; campus activism; campus organization; career advice; children’s health; classes; community health centers; connection; enjoyment; epidemiology track; family health; family medicine; focus; full-time work; fundraising; graduation; health checks; human health; infectious disease track; interviews; introduction; introduction; introduction to epidemiology; invitation; large famine; long term; malnutrition; master’s degree; maternal child health; medical checks; mentors; neuroanatomy; nutrition; pediatric health; pediatrician; population and family health; population health; problem solving; promotion; raising money; requirements; research laboratory; roommate; scientific approach; scientific method; sewage; social justice; social justice issues; surprise; team; tools; undergraduate epidemiology courses; water; wide range; Oxfam America

Subjects: California; Mexico; activism; anatomy; career; children; college; community; disease; education; equipment; equity; food; global health; health; health systems; healthcare; international public health; job; laboratory; language; learning; logistics; medicine; money; neurology; organization; public health; research; role; rural public health; school; science; training; travel; university; Ethiopia

00:14:14 - Census and Health Project, Jalisco, Mexico

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Partial Transcript: And so, during my two years at UCLA, one of the things that I really wanted to gain was some international experience, and most of the international work that UCLA was doing at the time was focused in China.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses some of his early international public health experience, including working on a rural health project in Jalisco, Mexico while at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health.

Keywords: ABCs; American medical students and public health students; Chinese; Colima; Denver Development Test; Denver, Colorado; Guadalajara, Mexico; Huichol Indian tribe; Huichol language; Huichol population; J. Lopez; Jalisco, Mexico; Mexican healthcare system; Mexican public health and medical students; Rural Health Project; Sierra Madre Occidental range; Spanish; UCLA School of Public Health; University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health; University of Guadalajara; University of Guadalajara; University of Washington; Wixárika; Zapotitlán, Mexico; Zona Huichol; age; air strip; airplane; block tower; breastfeeding; broadband; buses; challenge; chicken; children’s health; colors; community leaders; community partners; cultural validity; developmental characteristics; dime store; dirt floors; dirt roads; education system; environmental circumstances; farming communities; fine motor; fluency; food preparation; foot paths; foreigner; funding; gender differences; gender roles; general history; goal; gross motor; health checks; health promoters; health promotion; health stations; high school; hiking; horse paths; income and basic demographics; incomparable; indigenous population; language skills; lectures; mandatory service; measles vaccine campaign; medical doctorate [MD]; medical school training; misleading; mountains; nutrition; offset; outsider; patient care; pediatric health; pick-up truck; pilot test; plane; professors; project development; public health nurse; public health professor; public service; public university; questionnaires; radio transmission; relevance; remote communities; research methodology; research project; river; rural farming community; shoestring budget; small teams; social skills; state public health officer; steep canyon; suburban; summer course; test kit; trust building; two-way radios; uneven blocks; vaccine supplies; volcano; international experience

Subjects: China; Colorado; Indigenous people; Mexico; Washington; career; children; college; community; disease; education; equipment; equity; experience; food; gender; global health; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; history; international public health; job; language; leadership; learning; logistics; medical ethics; medicine; money; nature; organization; partnerships; public health; research; role; rural public health; school; science; training; travel; university; vaccines; California

00:26:32 - Medical School Applications

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Partial Transcript: After your two years at UCLA, you do end up going to medical school.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience applying to and interviewing at medical schools, before attending the State University of New York in Brooklyn.

Keywords: American Public Health Association; Jalisco, Mexico; Los Angeles [LA] County Health Department; New York City, New York; State University of New York in Brooklyn; University of California [UC] Berkeley School of Public Health; Wixárika; Zona Huichol; acceptance letter; commencement address; contact; dean; exam; excited; expense; graduation; incomplete; international phone calls; interview; invitation; letter of recommendation; medical doctorate [MD]; new; president; professor; public health career; roommate; student public health worker; submitted; subway; thin letters; tuberculosis [TB] program; medical school applications

Subjects: New York; career; challenges; college; community; disease; doctor; education; equipment; experience; global health; health; health systems; healthcare; international public health; job; learning; logistics; medicine; medicine; money; physician; public health; research; role; rural public health; school; science; training; travel; university; Mexico

00:30:07 - New York City, New York

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Partial Transcript: Yes. So, you were also part of something called the National Service Corps.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience of the National Service Corp’s scholarship program and developing a summer internship program working with local community-based health organizations while attending medical school in New York City.

Keywords: AIDS/HIV program; Brooklyn, New York; Central Valley, California; Church Avenue Merchants Block Association; Cornell University; Federal Qualified Health Center [FQHC]; Health Resources and Service Administration [HRSA]; J. Mashkuri; King’s County Hospital; M. Waugh; Napa Valley, California; New York; New York City; New York City rent; New York University [NYU]; Peace Corps volunteer; Sacramento, California; Spanish; Students for Social Responsibility; University hospital; University of California [UC] Davis; Ventura, California; West Coast; Wilkinson; apartments; classmate; clinical experience; community connection; community health; community-based health organizations; cost; cowboy programs; direct care; experience level; family medicine; family medicine department mentors; family medicine program contacts; farm worker clinics; federal agency; financial aid; funded tuition; future obligation; graduate school; health center; high salary jobs; hospital wards; infectious disease; intensity; internal medicine; interview; language skills; limited staff; list; living expenses; living stipend; loan repayment program; local clinic; long-term goals; medical school; motivations; multi-year agreement; network; obstetrics and gynecology [OB/GYN]; part-time work; patients; payback; peanut salary; pediatrician; pediatrics; preventive medicine doctor; primary care; psychiatry; residency; rural areas; salary; salary; savings; scholarship program; student debt; student loans; student work share; summer internship; summit; training center; training program; underserved; vineyards; National Service Corps

Subjects: Mexico; New York; career; children; children; college; communication; community; data; disease; doctor; education; epidemiology; equipment; equity; experience; family; food; health; health systems; healthcare; housing; international public health; job; language; learning; logistics; medicine; money; organization; physician; public health; qualifications; relationships; religion; role; rural public health; school; science; training; travel; university; California

00:43:40 - White Mountain Apache Reservation

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Partial Transcript: What ended up happening was I was talking with a close friend of mine that I’d known for years, since I was in college, and we were talking about a mutual friend, a Catholic priest named Father Eddie, who was working at the time in Arizona, had been working there for many years.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses living and working as a medical resident on the White Mountain Apache Reservation in White River, Arizona.

Keywords: Alaska Native Tribal Health Center [ANTHC]; Army fort; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Father Eddie; Fort Apache; Haemophilus influenzae; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Johns Hopkins University; L. Brown; LA County; M. Traeger; Twinrix study; Twinrix vaccine; West Coast; White Mountain Apache Tribe; White River Service Unit; White River, Arizona; World Health Organization [WHO]; adverse event; archives; baby; canine rabies; case classifying; case reporting; church; clinic director; combination hepatitis A, hepatitis B vaccine; contact; daughter; diarrheal illness; dog bite; effectiveness; emergency room [ER] medicine; environmental health staff; facility divisions; family medicine; family physicians; favorite disease; graduate student public health worker; handwritten TB register; hire; immigrant stories; infection control officer; inpatient medicine; international standard; labor; list; location; medical anthropology; medical records; medical staff housing; medication development; monitoring; network; oral rehydration solution; outpatient clinic; pediatrics; phase four trials; post-marketing trials; potluck; public health opportunity; rabies control officer; rabies testing; rabies vaccination; raising children; range; recommendation; records; reservations; residency; retrospective review; review; rotation; severe adverse event; specimens; spouse; study; treatment; tuberculosis [TB]; vaccine study; visit; warmed; wife; worry; Catholic priest

Subjects: American Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Apache Reservation; Indigenous people; Native populations; Navajo Nation; Texas; White Mountain Apache Nation; anthropology; career; children; communication; community; coordination; data; doctor; epidemiology; experience; family; food; friendship; global health; government; health; health systems; healthcare; history; hospital; international public health; job; leadership; medicine; military; money; physician; public health; qualifications; relationships; religion; research; role; vaccines; Arizona

00:55:24 - Joining the Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

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Partial Transcript: So, you mentioned EIS, how did you—that mug. The mug with a face on it. How did you hear about EIS, other than maybe in medical school?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience of applying to the Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] program.

Keywords: American Samoa; Asian; Atlanta, Georgia; B. Zhu; Bhagwan [Shree] Rajneesh; CDC employees; Century Center offices; Commission Corps; D. Bensyl; D. Hamilton; D. Hoffman; D. Koo; Dalles, Oregon; E. coli outbreak; EIS application; EIS conference; Guam; Holts Summit, Missouri; Indian Health Service loan repayment program; Jefferson City, Missouri; Legionella; Missouri; National Geographic article; National Service Corps loan repayment application; Netflix series; New Bloomfield Elementary School; New York; O-2; O-3; O-4; O-5; O-6; Outbreak; Public Health Service; Rajneeshpuram commune; S. Thacker; Shriners Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Surgeon General; T. Török; The Disease Detectives; United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases [AMRIID]; Wasco County, Oregon; White Mountain Apache Tribe; White River, Arizona; Wild, Wild Country; administrative leave; appeal; assignment; base pay; bias; big city; bioterror; bioterrorism event; branch supervisor; captain; children; children; choice; clothes; commander; commissioned officer; confidence; connection; convinced; debt-free requirement; dress code; dress uniform; employment system; family move; famous outbreak; federal agency; field branch; geographic location; goal; house hunting; housekeeper; influences; initial screening; input; interview; local public health experience; lunch; market standards; medical school debt; moving; multi-year contract; obligation; over time; pay cut; personal connection; phone call; pick; planning; population size; pre-match; preference; primary care; qualifying locations; rank; ranking sheet; regular match program; reservation; respect; retention bonus; shared mission; state health departments; state-based programs; story; student debt; student loan payments; suburbs; suit and tie; supervisor; timeline; training program; travel cost; uniform day; wife; workday outfit; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Subjects: American Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Apache Reservation; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indigenous people; Missouri; Native peoples; New York; Oregon; Pennsylvania; White Mountain Apache Nation; career; children; clothes; community; coordination; data; doctor; entertainment; epidemiology; experience; family; government; health; health systems; healthcare; hospital; job; leadership; media; medicine; military; money; physician; public health; qualifications; relationships; religion; research; role; rural public health; structure; terrorism; training; travel; Georgia

01:14:14 - Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana

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Partial Transcript: So, you’re an EIS officer from 2005 to 2007, there’s a lot of emergencies, oh my gosh, 2005, that would be, oh, Katrina.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses his experience responding to Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana as an Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] officer.

Keywords: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Louisiana; Oregon; career; community; coordination; data; doctor; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; experience; family; food; government; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; hospital; job; leadership; logistics; medicine; natural disaster; physician; planning; public health; qualifications; relationships; role; technology; training; transportation; travel; Missouri

01:22:24 - Measles Outbreak

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Partial Transcript: And then other EIS experiences were mostly in Missouri. As I mentioned before, a lot of the CDC leaders, they had that one investigation that kind of made them famous, we would joke around, right?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses a measles outbreak that he responded to as an Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] officer.

Keywords: B. Ping; CDC deployments; CDC headquarters; Core Activities of Learning [CALS]; Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists [CSTE] conference; EIS classmates; EIS conference; EIS officer; Epi-Aid; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; H5N1; Missouri-based church group; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report [MMWR] publication; Shigella outbreak; St. Louis, Missouri; Stop Transmission Of Polio [STOP] tour; Tuesday morning seminar; additional cases; adopting parents; adoption; adoption agency; adult; airport; avian influenza; babies; calls; case; charged; children; cryptosporidiosis; diarrheal illnesses; driving; epidemiologic assistance; famous outbreak; hospitalization; hotel; investigation; joke; lead; learning objectives; list; luggage claim; measles; multiple CALS; multistate outbreak investigation; orphanage; outbreak investigation; phone; plans; poster presentation; presentation; reconnect; respiratory illness; returning; suitcase; talk; unusual; waterborne illness; supervisor

Subjects: California; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; China; Indonesia; Missouri; Washington; career; children; community; coordination; data; doctor; epidemiology; experience; family; global health; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; international public health; job; leadership; medicine; physician; public health; qualifications; religion; research; role; training; transportation; travel; Southeast Asia

01:28:10 - Stop Transmission of Polio [STOP], Indonesia

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Partial Transcript: Yes! And you just kind of glazed over that STOP tour.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience working on the Stop Transmission of Polio [STOP] program in Indonesia.

Keywords: Bahasa Indonesian; Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation; Danau Toba; Dutch; EIS officer; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Gavi; Gavi conference; Hajj; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Japanese occupation; Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Medan, Indonesia; Muslim country; Muslim population; North Sumatra, Indonesia; Rotary Foundation; Suharto regime; Sulawesi; United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]; United Nations [UN] car; Vaccine Alliance; WHO scientists; West Sulawesi; World Health Organization [WHO]; acute flaccid paralysis case report; application; assignment; best; book; call; capital city; case investigation; case presentation; central authority; childhood polio; circulating strains; circulating vaccine-derived polio outbreak; circulating wild polio; community health workers; continuity; corruption; date palms; decentralization; deep; details; dictatorship; disease clusters; disease investigation; disease migration; disease transmission; endemic; expertise; focus; genetic sequence; genetic structure; global health partnership; global polio eradication; goal; government services; guide; handwritten chart; healthcare; hot case; idealistic; incentive; international effort; internet service; investigating outbreaks; kerosene; kerosene-operated vaccine refrigerators; korupsi; laboratory science; lectures; location; map; measles; medical career; militant activity; mom; monetary incentive; monovalent vaccine; monthly; mop-up campaigns; moped; motorcycle; national level; naïve view; new development; opportunity; oral polio vaccine; orangutan sanctuary; organization; origin; outlying village; palm oil plantations; paperwork; paralysis; patient examination; personal history; phone; pilgrimage; pitch; polio surveillance; postcard; province level; public health nurses; public health surveillance; purchase; reporting rate; reverse korupsi; rijsttafel; roads; rural health stations; salary; semiautomatic machine gun; single valent oral polio vaccine; smallpox; specialization; stop; sub-province level; supplementary campaigns; support; surfing; team; time; tourist trade; track; tuberculosis [TB]; type one; type three; type two; university computer laboratory; vaccination cards; vaccinator; vaccine campaigns; viewpoint; villages; volcanic crater lake; volcanos; wild poliovirus; young doctors; Stop Transmission of Polio [STOP] program

Subjects: Afghanistan; Asia; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indonesia; Mexico; Nigeria; Pakistan; Yemen; career; children; community; coordination; data; doctor; education; epidemiology; equity; experience; family; food; global health; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; history; international public health; job; language; language; leadership; medical ethics; medicine; money; physician; public health; qualifications; religion; research; role; rural public health; training; transportation; travel; vaccines; India

01:44:50 - Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment [MOPRA]

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Partial Transcript: All right, so you’re coming back from your EIS tour, you might say. You were then back to Indian Health Service, and you’re up in—how did you get from EIS back to Portland, let me ask you that.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses working on a data analysis study of the Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment [MOPRA] survey.

Keywords: EIS officer; Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment [MOPRA]; PRAMS data; PRAMS state; Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System [PRAMS]; The Journal of Pediatrics; association; assumptions; baby; bias; birth certificate; bottle; breastfeeding; cigarette smoking; circumstance; complicated issue; data analysis; direct correlation; disclose; environment; factors; full-length publication; healthcare providers; healthy behaviors; help; high prevalence of smoking; high smoking rate in pregnancy; importance; interrupted; intimidation; judge; linked; linked data; low prevalence of breastfeeding; low rate of taxation; milk production; motherhood; objective data; pre-PRAMS; prenatal care; pride; questions; quitting; race, age, and education level; random sampling; reporting; reputation; similar study; stigma; subjective data; supplement; survey; tobacco products; tobacco smoke; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Oregon; academia; career; community; coordination; data; doctor; economics; education; epidemiology; experience; guidelines; health; health systems; healthcare; job; leadership; medicine; parenthood; physician; public health; qualifications; research; role; training; Missouri

01:49:52 - Indian Health Service [IHS]

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Partial Transcript: And so, when I was getting ready to look for a position, I was really interested still in international health.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes the history and role of the Indian Health Service [IHS].

Keywords: American Indian and Alaska Native people; American Indians and Alaska Natives; Army; Biden administration; Bureau of Indian Affairs; CDC clearance; CDC review; COVID-19; Cabinet appointment; Congressional funding; Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Department of War; Department of the Interior; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Federally Qualified Health Center [FQHC]; Health Resources and Service Administration [HRSA]; Indian Health Service in Portland; International Classification of Diseases [ICD] codes; Intertribal Council of Arizona; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center; Obama administration; P values; Phoenix, Arizona; Portland, Oregon; Presidential appointment; Puget Sound, Oregon; R. Tso; Russian immigrant population; Seattle, Washington; Senate confirmation; Spokane Native Project; Spokane, Washington; Tribal Epi Center; Trump administration; Tucson, Arizona; Urban Indian Health Institute; Warm Springs; White River, Arizona; Yakima; academic bent; administrative oversight; appearance; applied public health; appointment; area office; assimilation; birth certificates; blood quantum requirements; bureaucracies; census data; census model; ceremonies; children; clearance process; clinic; colleague; comment section; commissioned officer; complicated; complications; corrected race data; criteria; data collection; data set; death; death certificates; delegates; demographics; descendancy; dialysis; difficulty; director; disagreements; discretionary funding; disease tracking; disease transmission; disjointed; eligibility; employment; enrolled member; family; family rituals; father; federal agencies; federally recognized tribe; flag; funding lapse; genocide; government shutdowns; halfway; health insurance; healthcare coverage; incomplete; intermarriage; intermingling; international travel; interview; invitation; judged; line-item budget; match; medical epidemiologist; medical perspective; medical records; mission; mission-driven; national focus; notifiable communicable diseases; nuts and bolts; papers; papers; parent; patient population; percentage; personal identifying information; physical, mental, social, and spiritual, health; politics; publishing; race and ethnicity data; racial misclassification; reconfirmation issues; required funding; reservations; resonance; rural population; small tribes; sovereign nations; sovereignty; spread; state health departments; state health systems; syphilis; tribal clinics; tribal epidemiology center; tribal organizations; tribal records; tribes; tuberculosis [TB]; urban population; variables; visibility; visual perception; walls; position

Subjects: American Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Arizona; Canada; Idaho; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indigenous people; Mexico; Native peoples; Navajo Nation; Nevada; Oklahoma; Oregon; Utah; Washington; academia; career; communication; community; coordination; data; doctor; epidemiology; equity; experience; family; food; global health; government; health; health systems; healthcare; history; immigration; international public health; job; leadership; medicine; mental health; military; money; physician; politics; public health; qualifications; racism; relationships; research; role; Indonesia

02:11:48 - H1N1 Response

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Partial Transcript: So, while you’re in Portland, you were also part of, let’s see, it’s 2007, 2009 is H1N1, and I’m sure there was some sort of effects of H1N1 on this health system. Can, do you remember that far back?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser describes his experience of the H1N1 outbreak response and its effect on the Indian Health Service [IHS].

Keywords: 1957 flu pandemic; 1968 flu pandemic; American Indian and Alaska Native people; C. Davis; CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]; Commission Corps officers’ children; Department of Defense [DOD]; Emergency Medical Technician [EMT]; Epi-Center; H1N1 response; H1N1 vaccine; Indian Health Board; McKesson; Medicaid; Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center; Portland Area Indian Health Service; VA contracts; Vaccine for Children [VFC] program; Veteran’s Affairs [VA]; adult vaccine; allocation; annual flu vaccine; apprehension; area office; availability; bird flu; built demand; children’s vaccine; cold chain storage requirements; collaborative work; commercial distributor; cross-protective antibody; cultural priority; cumulative protection; disease epidemiology; distribution; elders; engagement; environmental health officer; feedback; financial penalty; flexibility; flu shots; flu strain; friction; funding; government-to-government; immunization; impact; impact; incident commander; income requirements; ingredients; large system; lifetime; local health jurisdictions; market; medical priority; meetings; mistake; older populations; option; outbreak investigation; oversight; percentage; piggyback; population estimates; price breaks; prior infection; prioritization; priority populations; private purchase; production; protected; recent pandemics; recognition; rehashed; respect; response plans; reverence; seasonal flu vaccines; set aside; severity; shortage; signature; sovereign nations; sovereignty; states; strongarm; tension; tribal communities; tribal employee; tribal sovereignty; typical flu vaccine; typical vaccine uptake; vaccine agreements; vaccine providers; vaccine rollout; vocal; younger populations; Portland, Oregon

Subjects: American Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indigenous people; Mexico; Native peoples; Washington; career; college; communication; community; coordination; data; doctor; epidemiology; equity; experience; global health; government; health; health systems; healthcare; history; job; language; leadership; logistics; medicine; military; money; physician; politics; public health; qualifications; racism; relationships; research; role; vaccines; Oregon

02:20:52 - Boost Oregon and Native Boost

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Partial Transcript: Okay. Now, there’s this Boost Oregon that I want—[unclear] I said it wrong. Oregon.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Thomas Weiser discusses the development of Boost Oregon, a grassroots vaccine confidence organization, and describes how the program was adapted by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board to create Native Boost.

Keywords: American Indian and Alaska Native people; Atlanta, Georgia; Boost Oregon; CDC logo; Google; Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine; Health Board logo; Indian Health Board; N. Gartner; National Immunization Conference; National Immunization Program; National Vaccine Program Office; Native Boost; Native community health workers; Native nurses; Native physicians; Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board; Speakers Bureau; Tylenol; acetaminophen; action; antivax; antivax sources; artificial; artist; artworks; assumptions; audience; availability; beliefs; best practice; brochures; caregivers; check-in; chemicals; childhood vaccination; cobranding; community members; community workshops; comparison; concern; digital design; drug; education; feather; flu vaccines; focus groups; follow-up; format; friends; germane; government trust; grassroots organization; health communication; health education; healthcare professionals; healthcare providers; healthy behaviors; high vaccine hesitancy; historical trauma; hypothesis; images; information gathering; ingredients; invitation; key informant interviews; limitations; list; listen; metric; misinformation; nonthreatening format; normalization; obvious; online; parents; parents; partner; pediatrician; pictures; pittance; poster; pregnant; preservative; print-quality; professional print; promotion; published; question; questionnaire; quotations; rebranding; reframing; representative; research project; results; retooled; saline; scientific method; search; slide; smallpox; social pressure; standard presentation; state health department logo; strong storytelling tradition; survey; top results; tribal communities; tribal logos; tribal programs; trust; understanding; vaccine attitudes; vaccine beliefs; vaccine beliefs; vaccine knowledge; vaccine record; vaccine resistance; vaccine safety; validation work; website; woman; lawyer

Subjects: Georgia; Indian Health Service [IHS]; Indian/Alaska Native [AI/AN] nations; Indigenous people; activism; career; communication; community; coordination; data; doctor; epidemiology; equity; experience; government; health; health systems; healthcare; history; job; language; leadership; logistics; medicine; money; physician; politics; public health; qualifications; racism; relationships; research; role; vaccines; Oregon