Jonathan Bryant-Genevier

David J. Sencer CDC Museum


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00:00:53 - Background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Great, and before we delve into those details of your path to CDC and COVID-19 [Coronavirus Disease 2019], could you tell me a little bit about your family background and the community that you grew up in?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses his early life, interests, and educational background.

Keywords: American; Chesapeake Bay; English; Food and Drug Administration [FDA]; French; French school; Johns Hopkins University; Montgomery Village, Maryland; National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI]; National Institutes of Health [NIH]; University of Maryland, Baltimore; big-picture; biochemistry; biology; boating; builder; chemistry; childhood; climate change; college experience; dual citizen; engineer; environmentalism; father; global warming; graduate school; high school; hobby; interests; lab jobs; laboratory; language learning; maker; medical devices; medical practice; memory; mother; moving; nature; physician; physics; pollution; post-doctoral position; post-market review; postdoc; principal investigator [PI]; problem solving; public school; rowing; sailboat; sailing team; scientist; sister; stay-at-home parent; study abroad; suburbs; summers; tinkerer; vaccine review; water; writing courses

Subjects: District of Columbia; Maryland; New York; United Kingdom; Virginia; college; community; education; engineering; environmental studies; family; humanities; influences; language; medicine; qualifications; school; science; sports; technology; training; university; career

00:08:36 - Aurora Analytics [LLC]

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Right. I was graduating with a degree in chemistry, I had a minor in English, writing, I had a lot of different ideas of what I wanted to do.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes working for a pharmaceutical company as a chemist after completing his undergraduate degree.

Keywords: Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; career path; chemistry; custom orders; custom organic synthesis; degree; environmental science; first job; laboratory; minor; organic synthesis lab; pharmaceutical company; pharmaceutical start-ups; small lab; start-up company; tests; unknown; writing

Subjects: education; environmental studies; humanities; influences; job; language; qualifications; role; school; science; technology; training; career

00:10:55 - University of Michigan, School of Public Health

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You were at Aurora Analytics, and you’re in bench chemistry, probably not what you thought would be the real world. So, you return to get a PhD [Doctor of Philosophy], am I right?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses his experience getting a doctorate in the environmental health program at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health.

Keywords: A. Lincoln; Ann Arbor, Michigan; academia; academic funding; advisor; ambient environmental exposure; applications; black light; building; canister; career path; career struggles; chemical engineering; chemical exposure; chemical hazards; chemical sensors; chemical substances; chemistry; cold-calling; collaboration; components; coveralls; danger; defended; degree funding; demonstrations; design; disappointment; disposal; dye; ecology; engineering laboratory; environmental exposure assessment field; environmental health; environmental health and industrial hygiene tracks; environmental sampling class; epidemiology; equipment; exposure assessment; extended family; face; fear; field collecting; fieldwork; graduate school; grants; health sciences; holy grail; human health; instrument development; invent; jar; laboratory; laboratory bench equipment; large instrument; limitations; market crash; measurement; mixing; moving; niche; occupational exposure; opportunities; organic synthesis; penny; pharmaceutical companies; pitch; pollution; postdoc; practical activities; programs; protocol

Subjects: Michigan; career; college; community; culture; education; environmental studies; family; health systems; influences; job; money; partnerships; qualifications; role; school; science; teaching; training; university

00:26:16 - INFICON

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yes. I land a job at a company called INFICON, and INFICON is an instrumentation manufacturing company, so they make chemical sensors.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes working at INFICON, an instrumentation manufacturing company, after completing his PhD.

Keywords: Syracuse, New York; adaptation; adjustment; apartments; backpack; bills; chemical sensors; chemical weapons detection; cold; conference; corporate; creativity; debt; design; development; disease; dislike; efficiency; environmental detection; environmental groups; equipment; equipment training; experience; frozen; gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer [GC-MS]; girlfriend; hazardous exposures; illness; instrument; instrumentation manufacturing company; job satisfaction; loans; local industrial hygiene chapter; manufacturing; manufacturing support; marketing department; marketing support; military groups; monitor; motivations; moving; occupational health and safety; packing; paycheck; pollutants; product development; public service; questions; sales support; scientist support; semiconductor fab; strange; subject matter expert [SME]; surreal; tool; trace levels; transitions; volunteer; workplace safety

Subjects: New York; communication; community; culture; environmental studies; health systems; influences; job; money; partnerships; public health; role; science; teaching; technology; training; career

00:32:56 - Joining the Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Got it. All right, so then what did you do? You were saying you’re here in Upstate New York, you are kind of cold—

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses applying for the Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] fellowship at CDC.

Keywords: Adirondack Mountains; Atlanta, Georgia; CDC team; Center for Global Health; Division of Global Health Protection [DGHP]; EIS alumni; EIS conference; EIS program; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; French; INFICON; Lake Placid, New York; National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health [NIOSH]; W. Arvelo; acceptance; algorithm; application; broad view; career pivot; chemistry; disease detective; distracted; email; engineering; expectations; fly; global health; grocery store; industrial hygienists; infectious disease; interview; investigation; job possibilities; language skills; late; married; match; moving-on; mystery; new outbreak; niche; occupational illness; opportunities; opportunity; paired; phone call; plane; presentations; qualifications; ranking; rejection; snapshot; socialize; stages; supervisors; supplies; wedding

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; New York; career; communication; community; culture; family; influences; job; language; public health; role; training; travel

00:40:45 - Division of Global Health Protection [DGHP]

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Anyhow, so you’re in DGHP, which is what, the Division of Global Health Protection is.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses the main functions and goals of the Division of Global Health Protection [DGHP] at CDC.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; CDC country offices; Center for Global Health; Division of Global Health Protection [DGHP]; Field Epidemiology Training Programs [FETPs]; Global Health Security Agenda; branches; broad priorities; capacity-building; connections; country ministries; diplomacy; division; global health; infectious disease; middle-ground; ministries of health; partnership building; strategy; workplace development

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; career; communication; community; culture; global health; influences; job; partnerships; public health; role; training

00:42:56 - Meningitis Surveillance System, Senegal

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, you start EIS program July first usually, so you start with this group and they—this is very typical of EIS, they instantly send you out on a deployment—to a place that you’re unfamiliar with, with a task that is not in your usual abilities.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes his first deployment with CDC evaluating a meningitis surveillance system in Senegal.

Keywords: CDC country office; CDC deployment; CSF sample; Dakar, Senegal; Division of Bacterial Diseases; EIS program; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; French; bacteria; cerebrospinal fluid samples; children; collaborators; counterpart; data collection; data flow; data gathering; development; district level; drive; epidemiology terminology; experience; field activities; field interviews; health providers; hospitals; interview questionnaires; laboratories; local health clinics; medical terminology; meningitis surveillance system; ministry of health partners; new; opportunity; plane; planning; potential; presentation; problem solving skills; qualitative data; regional level; representative; results; rusty; set-up; surveillance evaluation project; surveillance offices; suspected case; talk; tools; training exercise; vocabulary; assessment

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; Senegal; communication; community; culture; data; epidemiology; global health; health systems; job; language; learning; partnerships; public health; role; science; training; travel; career

00:48:26 - Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS] Summer Course

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In the span of six weeks, you had moved from northern New York to Atlanta, and went straight into the field?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes completing summer training courses and health checks in order to perform international public health work as an EIS officer with CDC.

Keywords: CDC clinic; EIS program; EIS summer course; Syracuse, New York; basics; boosters; camera; comfort; communication skills; coursework; data analysis projects; disease detective science competition; editing; epi training; epidemiology principles; epidemiology training; fieldwork; flight; foreign affairs counterterrorism training; health checks; hectic; high school science teacher; high school students; international work; investigating outbreaks; manuscripts; media training; mock scenarios; non-fieldwork; plane; shots; training course; tutoring; two-by-two table; vaccines; yellow fever; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; Senegal; career; communication; community; data; education; epidemiology; friendships; global health; government; health systems; job; learning; partnerships; public health; role; science; teaching; training; travel; travel; writing; New York

00:53:49 - Polio Deployment, Côte d’Ivoire

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But I think in December or November, I volunteered. There’s a call for—to support the polio surge.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes an international deployment to support a polio surge response in Côte d’Ivoire.

Keywords: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; Christmas holiday; EIS classmates; EIS officer; EOC activation; Ebola; Emergency Operations Center [EOC]; French; Global Immunization Division [GID]; WHO office; WHO team; World Health Organization / Regional Office for Africa [WHO/AFRO]; active surveillance; acute flaccid paralysis; budget planning; case definition; concurrent emergencies; country ministry of health; doctor records; domestic public health emergencies; domestic vaping outbreak of lung disease; e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury [EVALI]; experts; flight; fly; funding proposals; home; international public health emergencies; leading; local clinic visits; missed cases; notification forms; outbreak response; partners; patient; plane; polio outbreak effort; potential possible polio case; practices; public health department; registries; relationship; review; sample collection; sample transport; shut down; site assessments; stool samples; support; surveillance officers; surveillance strengthening; symptoms; syndromic monitoring; team; testing process; vacation; volunteer; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC]; Senegal; World Health Organization [WHO]; career; collaboration; communication; community; data; disease; domestic emergency response; education; epidemiology; friendships; global health; government; health systems; international emergency response; job; language; leadership; learning; logistics; money; partnerships; public health; role; science; teaching; training; transportation; travel; writing; Côte d’Ivoire

00:58:45 - Case Investigation, Wisconsin

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yes, okay, and so we are now at this pivotal part in the whole world where—we’re starting to hear these rumors about SARS-CoV-2 [severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2], although it was not called that, it was called—I think it was pneumonia?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes responding to some of the first cases of COVID-19 in the United States as an EIS officer during a CDC deployment in Wisconsin.

Keywords: CDC deployments; COVID deployment; EIS officer; EOC equipment room; Ebola; Ebola model; Ebola vaccine; Emergency Occupation Center [EOC]; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; I. Pray; Madison, Wisconsin; N95 respirators; New Year’s Eve; PPE supply; PPE waste; Tuesday Monthly Seminar; Wisconsin state lab; airport; appropriate; assessment; bar; baseline; behavior; blue spacemen; capacity building; case count; celebration; changing guidance; children; classmates; clinician; compliance; conference; contact tracing; containment; containment; conversation; dangerous; default practice; discreet; doctors; drink; driving; early response phase; early testing guidelines; emotional link; empathy; engagement; exposure; eye-opening; face guard; face shield; family members; fear; fieldwork; flight; fly; frontline; full gown; garage; gathering; gloves; healthcare workers; hospital; hotel; house visits; impact; information; intensive care unit [ICU]; interest; isolation; issues; laboratory analysis; laboratory samples; latency; legwork; lens; low-profile; mail; mindset; mood; multiple tests; nasopharyngeal [NP] swabbing; nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal [NP/OP] swabbing; necessary; neighbors; novel coronavirus; official name; outbreak investigation; party; patient; personal protective equipment [PPE]; perspective; physicians; picture; plane; polio; positive test; precautions; professional achievement; public health data; quarantine; realization; reassurance; repeated tests; request; reusing PPE; risk; rumors; rural; scared; sensitivity; severity; sick; socializing; specimen collection; success; swabbing training; talk; team; travel-imported case; uncomfortable; understanding; unknown; volunteer; zoomed out; pneumonia

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; China; Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC]; Wisconsin; career; collaboration; communication; community; coordination; culture; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; friendships; global health; government; guidelines; health systems; international emergency response; job; language; leadership; learning; logistics; pandemic; partnerships; public health; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health department; supply chain; testing; training; transportation; travel; virus; Georgia

01:13:41 - Case Investigation, Rhode Island

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You deployed a lot thought during those early months, you deployed again to Rhode Island.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes working on a school transmission study early in the COVID-19 pandemic during a CDC deployment in Rhode Island.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; CDC deployment; EIS officer; EOC call; Emergency Occupation Center [EOC]; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Excel spreadsheet; N. Messonnier; Valentine’s Day; Zoom call; analyzed; assessment; automated; backload; blood draws; cancer treatment; capability; capacity building; car rental; case investigation; case numbers; centralized; change; chaos; closure; cold; communications expert; contact tracing; contacts; critical; dad; data management; data sorting; day care; efficiency; exposure study; father; fear; fieldwork; flight; flyer; food supply; grocery store; gymnasium; home; hotel; importance; incident management [IM]; infections; information; issues; limitations; local newspaper; lockdown; low attendance; man-hours; map; mask wearing; media event; media presence; meeting; missed holidays; modern tools; mood; nasopharyngeal [NP] swabbing; nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal [NP/OP] swabbing; nationwide emergency; nerves; notification; objective; opportunity; organized; outbreak investigation; panic; paper records; parent; parents; phlebotomist team; phone calls; physician; plane; planning; positive test; preparation; process; process improvement; project; protocols; public health infrastructure; questionnaire; questions; records; remote work; restaurants; review; scale up; school; school administration; school officials; school setting; seminar; shift; shutdown; social distancing; socializing; specimen collection; staff; staffing; state health department laboratory; stockpiling; stranded; students; study set up; support; swabbing; swamped; symptomatic person; takeaways; talk; team; telework; tension; testing event; text chain; texting; transmission; travel imported case; uploading; usefulness; volunteer; volunteers; wife; work from home; worry; write-up; home

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; Wisconsin; career; collaboration; communication; community; coordination; culture; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; family; government; guidelines; health systems; job; leadership; learning; logistics; masking; media; news; pandemic; parenthood; partnerships; preparedness; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health department; supply chain; testing; training; transportation; travel; virus; Rhode Island

01:29:58 - State Response, North Dakota

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But yes, so then I volunteer, I get back, I’m home for about two weeks, and then I volunteer again to go to North Dakota.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses his experience as an EIS officer during a CDC deployment in North Dakota, while describing how the COVID-19 emergency response evolved and some of the differences between individual state’s response plans.

Keywords: CDC deployment; EIS officer; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; National Guard; North Dakota Health Department; S. Fauci; White House press briefings; access; accessibility; assistance; barriers; best advice; brainstorming; bridging; broad picture; change; changing guidance; clarity; collective view; common sense; confirmed zero; data analysis; distractions; diverse needs; drafts; duplicates; effort; electronic resources; emergency operations center [EOC]; expert; fieldwork; focus; generalized help; green flag; help; issues; key roles; long COVID; low transmission; manuscripts; mask wearing; mass swabbing; mass testing; mass testing sites; media-ready; mindset; mission; mobile testing labs; mobile truck; nasopharyngeal [NP] swabbing; nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal [NP/OP] swabbing; nursing homes; off the rails; opportunity; phone number; plain language; planning; polished; press briefings; priorities; prioritization; priority list; procedure; protocol; reactionary; readability; recommendations; red flag; regular branch activities; remote work; request; rural; sidelined; software systems; special cases; specimen collection; speed; staffing; state driven response; system; telework; testing equipment; testing event; testing protocol; threshold; time; tough; trust; unclear goals; unclear messaging; ununified response; unusual cases; volunteer; work volume; working from home; yellow flag; home

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; career; collaboration; communication; community; coordination; culture; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; government; guidelines; health systems; job; leadership; local health department; logistics; masking; pandemic; partnerships; preparedness; public health; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health department; testing; training; transportation; travel; virus; North Dakota

01:39:34 - State Response, Georgia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well so yes, I guess I—so I do all these field deployments in the first half of 2020 and then I sort of hit a wall that I—I think the last of June one in—it was Erie County, it was a small county health department in Pennsylvania, and we had the same problems as before.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes his experience during a CDC deployment testing the effectiveness of COVID-19 home test kits in a residential nursing home setting in Georgia.

Keywords: CDC deployment; EIS officer; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Erie County; Food and Drug Administration [FDA]; active outbreak; age group; agency role; apartment; availability; blurry; break; burnout; clarity; clear mission; consent; containment strategy; data analysis; data collection; death; difficult; efficacy; emergency rules; evaluation; field deployments; fieldwork; frustration; health equity; home; home test kits swabs; irritation; line; local; low-income; medical ethics; memory unit; mitigation strategy; monitoring; nasopharyngeal [NP] swabbing; nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal [NP/OP] swabbing; nursing home population; nursing home residents; objectivity; opt out; options; paper; paper; point-of-care diagnostic testing kit; point-of-care diagnostic tests; polymerase chain reaction [PCR] test; problem; problems; project planning team; question; regular testing; repetition; request; small; struggle; study; testing locations; torn; tough; tracking; value; volunteer; vulnerable population; wife; working relationship; worth; helplessness

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; Georgia; career; collaboration; communication; community; coordination; culture; data; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; equipment; equity; ethics; government; guidelines; health systems; job; leadership; local health department; logistics; pandemic; partnerships; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health department; testing; training; virus; writing; Pennsylvania

01:48:08 - Mental Health Survey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And that brings us to my favorite topic through this, and that is panic and mental health of the people around us.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses working on a mental health survey of state, local, tribal, and territorial public health workers in early 2021.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; C. Rao; COVID-19 response activities; Christmas; EIS officer; EIS supervisor; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Zoom calls; anecdotal evidence; anxiety; attention; bullying; clearance; convenient sample; data analysis; data analyst; data summary; death; depression; difficult; digital; distribution; doctors; fast; federal excluded; frontline workers; hard; harm; healthcare communities; high priority; impact; indicators; isolation; large response; large sample; loss; mental health conditions; mental health outcomes; national survey; network; numerical responses; nurses; online survey; open text; outcomes; partner organizations; physicians; post-traumatic stress; potential traumatic stressors; problems; project; protesters; public health workers; publishing; reports; risk factors; score; shocking; social support; standardized screening tools; state, local, tribal, and territorial public health workers only; stressors; suicidal ideation; survey design; symptoms; task; team; ten percent; threats; time; time-off; winter holidays; work hours; workplace; write-up; mental health survey

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; career; collaboration; communication; community; culture; data; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; family; government; health systems; job; local health department; mental health; pandemic; partnerships; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; state health department; technology; travel; virus; writing; Georgia

01:55:31 - Vaccination and Social Media

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We just touched on this real quick, the vaccine, you had your vaccine. I just wanted to ask, just as I’ve asked everybody, what was your thoughts and feelings when you got your first shot?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses vaccination and the role of social media.

Keywords: C. Rao; CDC deployment; EIS officer; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]; Facebook algorithm; antivaxxers; anxiety; anxious; attention; behind; broader context; childhood vaccines; children; conscious; daughter; day care; deserving; devices; excited; feed; feelings; field work; flights; fly; guilt; habits; how; importance; information sources; kids; line; mandates; misinformation; missing the point; need; no vaccine; out of date; plane; polio; quitting social media; remote work; research; risk; screens; scrolling; second question; slow; social connection; social media; sources; speed; strange; telework; trending; trustworthiness; unknown; vaccine hesitancy; vaccine requirements; vetting; work from home; young kids; nursing homes

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; career; communication; community; culture; data; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; family; government; health systems; job; media; mental health; news; pandemic; parenthood; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; technology; travel; vaccination; virus; Georgia

02:00:37 - CDC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But you stayed on at CDC. A lot of people don’t always do that. They go off and they become something else, but you stayed on.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier describes his thoughts on the future of CDC, as well as some of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the agency and the future of public health.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; CDC deployments; EIS officer; World Health Organization [WHO]; ability; adage; administration change; agency leadership; agility; belief; big fish, little pond; brand; breakdown; bureaucracy; challenges; change; classmates; collective agreement; collegial; compromise; continuity; corporate work; decisional latitude; discussion; doors; dream work; duty; empowerment; eye roll; failures; federal leadership; feeling; flaws; foot soldiers; frustration; frustrations; future; general staff; goal; greater good; harder; high profile; high workload; home; improvement; industrial psychology; institutional knowledge; interchangeable roles; international relationships; international work; interviews; lasting impacts; lessons; little fish, big pond; low productivity overall; luck; management; mental health survey; mindset; need; obligation; opportunities; pathways; people; perception; performance; perspective; possibility; potential; pressure; problem solving; productive; reputation; resources; rigid checks and balances; settled; small teams; solution oriented; stress; strict hierarchy; talent; tedious steps; torn; tough; transition; turnover; two pizzas; very low decisional latitude; vision; wiggle room; Epidemic Intelligence Service [EIS]

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; career; communication; community; culture; data; disease; domestic emergency response; epidemiology; family; friendships; government; health systems; job; media; mental health; news; pandemic; psychology; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; technology; virus; Georgia

02:12:02 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think we need to keep in mind for the future then?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Jonathan Bryant-Genevier discusses his views on the role of CDC.

Keywords: NIH research project grant program [R01s]; ability; academia; academics; active solutions; activity; adolescents; awareness; basement; building wooden boats; challenge; concurrent problems; cost; county level; craft; creation; empathy; enjoyment; esoteric; ethical decision-making process; evidence-based decisions; fieldwork; finer lens; forefront; foundation; fun; health equity; high cost; hobbies; humbling; impact; importance; instinct; intangible; lens; limitations; long-term impacts; mindful; mindset; morbidity; mortality; mystery; outbreak response; physical; practical solutions; pressing problem; priorities; privilege; problem solving; public service; purpose; puzzle; real-world v abstract; recharge; research oriented; responsibility; rituals; row boats; sacrifice; sail boats; school closings; science project; science questions; screens; self-care; sensitivity; skiff; skill; state level; stress; teamwork; technical problems; value add; working with your hands; young people; failure

Subjects: COVID-19; COVID-19 emergency response; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]; career; communication; community; culture; data; disease; domestic emergency response; education; epidemiology; family; government; health systems; job; mental health; pandemic; psychology; public health; research; role; science; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]; technology; virus; woodworking; Georgia