Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:01:15 - Background/Education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Would you tell me about where you grew up and your early family life?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan describes his background and educational experience.

Keywords: Albuquerque Indian Hospital; F. McDowell; Indian; L. Kaplan; Native American; New York City; R. Hornabrook; advisor; biology; chemistry; college; countries; disease; fellowship; health; infectious; internal; international; interview; medical; neurologist; research; residency; school; travel; undergrad

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Cornell University; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Services; Europe; HIV; Massachusetts; New Mexico; New Zealand; Ohio; PEPFAR; Papua New Guinea; U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; Vietnam War; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; human immunodeficiency virus

00:07:22 - Epidemic Intelligence Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your assignment for your EIS two years?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan discusses his assignments during his years in the Epidemic Intelligence Service.

Keywords: 1981; AZT; Atlanta, Georgia; Guillain-Barré; Kaposi’s sarcoma; L. Schonberger; Los Angeles, California; Lymphadenopathy; New York City; Pneumocystis; T. Spira; antiretroviral; azidothymidine; blood samples; clinician; dengue; diseases; drugs; epidemiology; gastroenteritis; gay; heroes; illness; immunologist; infections; laboratory; lymph nodes; men; office; opportunistic; outbreak; papers; pneumonia; practitioner; public health; retroviruses; scientific; sex; swine flu; vaccine; viral; virus

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; California; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Service; HIV; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

00:15:30 - Treatment/Guidelines

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I'm not familiar with something like this before or since. How did it work?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan talks about the pioneering guidelines and the progression of treatments for opportunistic infections.

Keywords: AZT; Atlanta, Georgia; Bactrim; CD4; CD8; H. Jaffe; J. Braude; Kaposi’s; Ols; STD; T. Spira; TB; abnormalities; anitbiotics; bacterial; behavioral; blood; carinii; cases; cats; chemoprophylaxis; clinical; ddC; ddl; died; doctors; domestic; drugs; encephalitis; forms; gay; guidelines; hemoglobin; ill; immunology; infections; investigator; jirovecii; laboratory; lymphadenopathy; men; mycobacterium avian complex; online; opportunistic; papers; partner; patients; pets; pneumocystis; pneumonia; prevention; protocol; protozoal; research; sarcoma; tests; toxoplasmosis; treatment; trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; viruses

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; HIV; IDSA; Infectious Diseases Society of America; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NIH; National Institutes of Health; U.S; VA Hospital; pneumococcus

00:34:56 - MMWR/Treatments

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you say a little bit more about the role MMWR, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC's publication, played in doing all of this?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan recalls the importance of the MMWR communications as well as the many medicines used to treat opportunistic infections.

Keywords: ART; Atlanta, Georgia; Bactrim; CD4; Dekalb county; MAC; Pneumocystis pneumonia; antibiotic chemoprophylaxis; antiretroviral; antiretroviral therapy; azithromycin; chronic; clinic; clinical; cotrimoxazole; country; cryptococcal; drugs; fluconazole; guidelines; hospital; infections; information; medical; meningitis; mycobacterium avian complex; mycobacterium avium complex; officers; opportunistic; patients; pneumococcal; prevention; prophylaxis; public health; publication; recommendations; research; subject matter; weekly; world

Subjects: CDC; EIS; HIV Medical Association of the Infectious Disease Society of America; MMWR; NIH; VA; Veterans Administration

00:42:47 - PEPFAR/Global AIDS

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So just to start off, what made you decide to work on PEPFAR programs?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan describes his role and work with international PEPFAR programs.

Keywords: Entebbe, Uganda; G. Bush; H. Jaffe; Joint Clinical Research Center; Kampala, Uganda; Kaposi’s sarcoma; P. Mugyenyi; R. Simmonds; STD; TB; agencies; airport; antiretroviral therapy; care; coffin; collaboration; countries; domestic; epidemic; facilities; hospital; infections; international; laboratory; opportunistic; patients; people; prevention; research; resources; science-based; sexually transmitted disease; treatment; tuberculosis

Subjects: AIDS; Africa; CDC; DASTLR; Department of Defense; Division of AIDS, STD and TB Laboratory Research; Ethiopia; Global AIDS; HIV; HRSA; Health Resources and the Services Administration; LIFE Initiative; Leadership and Investment in Fighting an Epidemic Initiative; Mozambique; PEPFAR; Peace Corps; President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; USAID; Uganda; United States; United States Agency for International Development

00:55:13 - Collaboration/Funding

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How about working with the Ministry of Health in terms of strategy development and implementation?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan explains the challenges that PEPFAR tackled working with the ministries of health.

Keywords: AZT; Atlanta, Georgia; G. Bush; Ministry of Health; T. Ellerbrock; Track One; Washington; antiretroviral; billion; care; challenge; cities; clinics; commitment; community; cotrimoxazole; country; domestically; drugs; expenses; expertise; facilities; food; government; guidelines; hospitals; infections; infrastructure; internationally; level; malaria; meetings; million; ministries; money; nutrition; offices; palliative; patients; people; pneumocystis pneumonia; priority; programs; protease inhibitors; public health; renovation; resources; services; social; two-seven-ten

Subjects: APCA; ART; Africa; American Palliative Care Association; Bactrim; CDC; Columbia University; Global AIDS; HIV Care and Treatment Program; ICAP; International AIDS Program; John Hopkins; PEPFAR; U.S; USAID; WHO; World Health Organization

01:11:53 - PEPFAR Implementation/Research

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was the thinking about approaching all these patients, some in rural areas, some in--

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan talks about PEPFAR’s operational and research practices.

Keywords: : patients; CD4; OPDs; Pneumocystis; TB; antibiotic; antiretroviral; children; clinics; cotrimoxazole; countries; diseases; drug; fluconazole; funds; guidelines; implementation; initiative; malaria; opportunistic infections; outpatient departments; person; pneumonia; population; prenatal; programs; questions; research; science; studies

Subjects: AIDS; ART; Bactrim; HIV; PEPFAR; Uganda; United States

01:20:09 - HIV Care/Treatment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What about fluconazole?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan discusses the different drugs used for patient care and treatment, domestically and internationally

Keywords: ART; CD4; Palliative Care Technical Working Group; TB; antigen; antiretroviral; challenges; confusion; cotrimoxazole; countries; country; cryptococcal; data; death; disease; drugs; funds; fungal; headache; immunological; implement; individuals; infection; intervention; journal; meningitis; neurologic; nutrition; opportunistic infections; paper; people; primary; priorities; programs; prophylaxis; publication; resources; science; study; suspectable; two-seven-ten

Subjects: Africa; CDC; Care and Support Technical Working Group; Care and Treatment; Care and Treatment Technical Working Group; Department of Defense; Fluconazole; HIV; Journal of AIDS Immune Deficiency Syndromes; PEPFAR; Peace Corps; USAID; United States; WHO

01:29:55 - Country Operations Plan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you want to describe a little bit about what that process involved?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan describes his role as a reviewer of PEPFAR’s Country Operations Plans as an interagency group

Keywords: administrative; antiretroviral; budget; care; challenges; counseling; countries; country; data; dollars; funds; group; happening; interagency; laboratory; money; pages; plans; prevention; process; program; renovation; reviewing; target; technical; testing; training; treatment

Subjects: COPS; Care and Treatment Technical Working Group; Country Operations Plan; PEPFAR

01:34:24 - CDC Reflections

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Any closing thoughts on your part or on CDC's role in all of this?

Segment Synopsis: Kaplan reflects on his 35 plus year career at CDC, the people he has worked with and the progress PEPFAR has achieved through interagency collaborations.

Keywords: Atlanta; COP; agencies; antiretroviral; branch; career; chief; countries; drugs; experience; health; internationally; learning; listening; meetings; million; patients; people; planet; programs; public; reviews; work

Subjects: CDC; HIV; Ministry of Health; PEPFAR