Global Health Chronicles

Dr. David Auerbach

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:01:09 - Background and Education

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Partial Transcript: Could you tell us where you grew up and about your early family life?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Auerbach discusses his early life and where he went to school as well as his introduction to the Epidemic Intelligence Service program.

Keywords: Albany, New York; B. Roueche; D. Fleming; Delmar, New York; English Major; Internal Medicine residency; LA; Long Beach, New York; Los Angles, California; Minneapolis, Minnesota; P. Brachman; Syracuse, New York; biostatistics; chemists; epidemiology; medical school; public health; recruits; scientists

Subjects: Annals of Medicine; Centers for Disease Control (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; EIS; Legionnaire's Investigation; Los Angeles County Health Department; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; New York State; New Yorker; SUNY; State University of New York; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

00:07:00 - EIS Training

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Partial Transcript: I'm just curious what attracted you to a move out west. As you said, you were pretty much an East Coast kind of guy.

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes why he decided to do his EIS training on the West Coast and his early work on a new disease.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; Bay Area; KS/OI; Kaposi's Sarcoma/Opportunistic Infections; Los Angeles, California; New York City; P. Thomas; Palisades Park; San Francisco, California; Santa Monica, California; Task Force; blind date; cases; communicable agent; controls; gay; immune compromised; national case-control study; potential risk factors; toxic exposure

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; California; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Service; Legionnaire's; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; New York Health Department; North America; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; hepatitis B; pneumocystis

00:14:09 - Case-Control Study/Training

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did this all come up for you? It must have been pretty soon after you arrived actually.

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach talk about his training and the implementation the first national case-control study.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; F. Sorvillo; H. Jaffe; Los Angeles, California; M Guinan; M. Finn; M. Tormey; Omaha, Nebraska; S. Fannin; San Diego, California; San Fernando Valley; San Francisco; W. Darrow; bath house; blood; case-control study; controls; gay community; health department; public health; questionnaire; sexual activity; sexual contact; sexual histories; sexually transmitted agent; specimens; substance use; surveillance; training

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EIS; Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center; Los Angeles County Health Department; MMWR; STD; Sexually Transmitted Diseases

00:27:41 - L.A. Cluster Investigation

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Partial Transcript: You then became involved in another investigation that became know as the Los Angeles Cluster Investigation, which many now flet put some real credibility to this idea of some sort of an infectious agent that was being sexually transmitted.

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes how the 1982 Los Angeles cluster study, attempted to trace sexual connections among a number of gay men residing in California.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; H. Jaffe; Los Angeles, California; W. Darrow; case-control study; connections; contacts; gay community; health department; infectious agent; interviewing; partners; sexual contact; sexually transmitted; sociology

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Cluster Investigation

00:34:46 - Patient Zero

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Partial Transcript: What did you start to find?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes how the linkages between patients in Los Angeles led to finding a geographic center of a cluster of patients. A non-Californian man with Kaposi’s sarcoma was linked as a sexual contact for all these patients. This individual’s status as the “Out-of-California” patient was originally abbreviated to the letter “O,” which in turn was given additional significance when researchers read this as the number “0.”

Keywords: Los Angeles, California; New York City; Patient Zero; Typhoid Mary; W. Darrow; air steward; connections; contact; epidemiology; genetic molecular analyses; geographic center; linkages; molecular biology; out of California case; patients; sexual contact; single individual; specimens

Subjects: AIDS; Air Canada; American Journal of Medicine; CDC; California; Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention; Cluster Investigation; HIV/AIDS; MMWR; Nature; New York; North America; United States; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; hepatitis B

00:46:50 - Pediatric Transfusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You were involved, I think, in working with pediatric immunologists. Do you remember any of this?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes how one phone call from a pediatric immunologist led to an investigation into transfusions and blood products.

Keywords: A. Ammann; Atlanta; H. Jaffe; H. Perkins; M. Silverman; S. Dritz; San Francisco, California; blood; blood bank; blood products; communicable diseases; donor; epidemiologist; etiologic agent; hematopathologist; mother-to-child transmission; multifactorial; opportunistic infection; pathologist; pediatric immunologist; perinatal transmisson; toxic exposure; transfusion; transmissible agent

Subjects: AIDS/HIV; California; Communicable Disease Control; Irwin Memorial Blood Bank; KS/OI; Kaposi's Sarcoma/Opportunistic Infection; San Francisco Health Department; U.C. San Francisco Medical Center; University of California; West Coast; eryhroblastosis fetalis; hemolytic anemia; hepatits B; human immunodeficiency virus; mycobacterium avium; sexually transmitted diseases

00:56:37 - No Identified Risk

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Was there an interest in learning more about the donor?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes a donated blood source investigation which led to a man who had no identified risk factors, and how this landmark case unfolded.

Keywords: Castro District; H. Jaffe; IV drugs; M. Guinan; No risk factors; S. Dritz; San Francisco, California; W. Darrow; blood products; case-control study; donor; gay; gay district; intravenous drugs; no risk factor; normative human sexual behavior; sexual activity

Subjects: CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HIV/AIDS; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; Pneumocystis pneumonia; San Francisco Health Department; gonococcal disease; rectal gonorrhea

01:07:05 - Media Coverage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did you get drawn into some of that media scrum?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach describes how an infant transfusion case led to a lot of media attention and misperceptions.

Keywords: A. Ammann; H. Perkins; Immunologic symptom-complex; J. Bove; Los Angeles, California; blood supply; blood transfusion; cases; communicable disese; credible; early pediatric; gay population; mother-to-child cases; pediatric immunologist; perinatal cases; transfusion-related case; transmission

Subjects: American Association of Blood Bankers; Bay Area; Blood Banking; CDC; HIV/AIDS; Irwin Memorial; Los Angeles County Medical Center; New Jersey; New York City; Yale-New Haven Medical Center

01:16:04 - Communication Issues

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Are there other aspects of the AIDS epidemic that you were involved in that we haven't touched on that you took part in?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach explains the issues of explaining the epidemic to other health professionals, the general public and the gay community.

Keywords: 60 Minutes; And the Band Played On; H. Reasoner; Patient Zero; R. Shilts; epidemiology; gay community; gay scene; government budgeting; heterosexual transmission; mother-to-child transmission; sexual transmission; transfusion transmission

Subjects: CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HIV/AIDS; Reagan administration; San Francisco Chronicle; UCLA; University of California, Los Angeles

01:23:16 - Important Public Health Issue

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did it ever occur to you to think a bit broader as to how this might unfold-- if this was going to potentially be a huge public health problem - nationally, domestically, internationally?

Segment Synopsis: Auerbach explains his sense of being part of something much larger, an important historical event for a young physician.

Keywords: 60 Minutes; Los Angeles, California; disease; epidemiology; etiologic agent; gay men; gratifying; homosexual; new disease; part of history; public affairs officer; public health issue; serologic test

Subjects: CBS News; CDC; California; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Disease; Orange County; anti-retroviral treatment