Global Health Chronicles

Dr. Julius Youngner

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles


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00:00:54 - Early life/education

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Partial Transcript: To start, would you like to tell us a little bit about your background?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner explains how he grew up in New York City in an age before antibiotics and studying bacteriology in college

Keywords: New York, NY; bacteriology; medical school; medicine

Subjects: New York University; University of Michigan

00:04:57 - Experiences in U.S. Army and Manhattan Project

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Partial Transcript: After finishing my degree at the University of Michigan - my doctorate - I was drafted into the army by my draft board in New York City.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about being drafted into the army after school and his experiences while working on the Manhattan project

Keywords: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Battle of the Bulge; Camp Barkeley, Texas; Fort Dietrich; G. Roberts; Knoxville, Tennessee; Manhattan Project; New York, New York; Oakridge; Oakridge, Tennessee; Rochester, New York; W. Nungester; army; malaria control unit

Subjects: University of Michigan; pathology

00:12:59 - Arrival at National Institutes of Health

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Partial Transcript: And what your life was going to be like when you got there.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner explains his appointment to the U.S. Public Health Service, becoming aware of the work of CDC, and his work with cell cultures at NIH.

Keywords: Bethesda, Maryland; C. Grobstein; F.C. Robbins; J.F. Enders; La Jolla, California; Nobel Prize; T.H. Weller

Subjects: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Communicable Disease Center; Malaria Control in War Areas; National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institutes of Health (NIH); United States Public Health Service (USPHS); University of California San Diego School of Medicine; University of Michigan; polio virus

00:17:10 - Meeting Jonas Salk/start of polio vaccine work

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Partial Transcript: And you took it from there?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner tells how a sabbatical from NIH and a desire to work with cell cultures led him to get involved in polio with Jonas Salk. He also talks about how quickly he was able to grow and inactivate the polio virus.

Keywords: A. Carrell; Ann Arbor, Michigan; J. Salk; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; cell culture

Subjects: March of Dimes; NCI; National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis; University of Michigan Medical School; University of Michigan School of Public Health; vaccine

00:21:49 - Influence to go to Pittsburgh

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Partial Transcript: So when you decided to go to the Pittsburgh lab, do you remember what it was that most influenced you to go there?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner and the influence of Jonas Salk on his decision to stay in Pittsburgh and work on polio.

Keywords: Bethesda, Maryland; J. Salk; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; cell culture

Subjects: Army Reserves; Polio virus; USPHS; vaccine

00:23:24 - Other polio vaccine developers

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Partial Transcript: That brings us to the time when we were developing the vaccine.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner mentions other scientists he worked with in the Pittsburgh lab.

Keywords: B. Bennett; J. Lewis; P. Bazeley; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; penicillin

Subjects: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

00:25:21 - Laboratory culture/personal relationship with Jonas Salk

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Partial Transcript: Now, did you socialize outside of work, or did you even have time to socialize?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about his personal relationship with Jonas Salk and Salk's managerial style for the lab. He also talks about what his typical work day was like for during this time.

Keywords: B. Bennett; J. Lewis; J. Salk; cell culture

00:28:40 - Other labs developing polio vaccine

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Partial Transcript: Now, there were others working on polio vaccine at the same time as your lab was. Did you ever collaborate with any of them?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about the type of contact he had with other people working on polio at the time and describes the competitive relationship between Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk.

Keywords: A. Sabin; B. O'Connor; Cosmos Club; D. Bodian; J. Paul; J. Salk; M. Hilleman; Sabin vaccine; T. Francis; T. Rivers; United States; Washington, DC; cell culture; virologist

Subjects: American Society for Virology; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; NIH; National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis; polio; vaccine; virology

00:36:23 - Youngner's contribution to vaccine development

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Partial Transcript: You had some vital contributions in that line for vaccine development.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about his contribution to vaccine development and studying viruses in cell culture.

Keywords: Cell culture

Subjects: Vaccine; polio virus; virology

00:38:36 - Working through peak of U.S. polio epidemic

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Partial Transcript: Let me go back just a little bit.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about realizing he had made a polio vaccine breakthrough and the pressure he felt to create a polio vaccine at a time when so many U.S. citizens were being affected by the disease. He also talks about how he was personally affected by polio and how polio's prevalence made it an important priority in America.

Keywords: A. Sabin; B. O'Connor; McCarthy era; Municipal Hospital; Polio vaccine; United states; infantile paralysis; iron lung; live vaccine; paralytic polio

Subjects: Vaccine; World War II; polio

00:43:52 - Phase I and II polio vaccine trials

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Partial Transcript: Okay, so I'm getting us a little bit off track, but we've got you up to the point of 1952.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about the vaccine trials of 1952 and how fear of polio at the time led to such high rates of vaccination amongst children. He also talks about how the positive press during the trials led to higher rates of vaccination.

Keywords: J. Salk; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Vaccine trial; color test

Subjects: Polio

00:46:54 - Color test for polio vaccine

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Partial Transcript: Tell a little more about the color test and how you could tell there were antibodies.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner describes the use and ease of the color test to show vaccine effectiveness.

Keywords: Color test

Subjects: Virus

00:49:40 - Phase III vaccine trial/success of Salk vaccine

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Partial Transcript: Well, we'll get to that too.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about his lack of involvement in the Phase III trial and what he did to look into the more scientific aspects of polio during this time. He also talks about how exciting it was to hear the news of the successful trial.

Keywords: Cutter incident; D. Oshinsky; J. Salk; T. Fancis; cell culture

00:51:31 - Phase II "polio pioneers"

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Partial Transcript: So you've gotten the Phase II vaccine trials, and those were the groups known as Polio Pioneers, is that right?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about the Phase II vaccine trial conducted on the Salk vaccine. He also talks about vaccine skeptics and the negative press that accompanied the vaccine trials.

Keywords: Ann Arbor, Michigan; T. Francis; W. Winchell; polio pioneer; vaccine trial

Subjects: Vaccine

00:53:25 - Early intuitions about Cutter incident

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Partial Transcript: It must have felt terrible.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about how painful it is for him to talk about the Cutter incident. He also talks about visiting Cutter and noticing how they were improperly conducting inactivation and never being able to find record of Salk notifying NIH about Cutter.

Keywords: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Apollo; B. O'Connor; Cutter incident; Cutter laboratories; Cutter vaccine; J. Salk; Oakland, California; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; R. Feynman; San Francisco, California; W. Workman; White Pains, New York; inactivation curve

Subjects: NIH; Vaccine

00:59:37 - Effect of Cutter on career/scientific community attitude towards Salk

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Partial Transcript: I'm sure it does.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about the Cutter incident affecting his personal relationships. He also talks about the scientific community's reception of Jonas Salk and his personal vaccine work after polio.

Keywords: Ann Arbor, Michigan; D. Salk; J. Jordan; J. Salk; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; R. Murrow; San Francisco, California; equine influenza vaccine; live attenuated vaccine

Subjects: NIH; University of Pittsburgh; polio vaccine; vaccine

01:05:13 - CDC involvement in Cutter incident

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Partial Transcript: I know how respected you are in the scientific circles.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about his understanding of CDC's involvement following the Cutter incident. He also talks about problems Wyeth laboratory is alleged to have had with vaccine production.

Keywords: Cutter incident; J. Salk; P. Offit; Wyeth laboratory

Subjects: CDC; National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

01:07:04 - Manufacturing process for Salk vaccine

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Partial Transcript: It's not just for me, its for the Global Health Chronicles, so all of your answers and the way you're answering them are perfect.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about the manual on how to prepare the Salk vaccine and how it changed as vaccine production was scaled up. He also talks about the problem with using sintered glass filters for vaccine production.

Keywords: Bazely; Cutter laboratories; J. Salk; Millipore filter; Seitz filter

Subjects: Vaccine

01:11:13 - Vaccine filter advice in England

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Partial Transcript: And did you use those filters to filter out the parts of the virus?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about advising Pfizer to change the filters they were using to make vaccines and the excitement it caused in England.

Keywords: Folkestone, England; London, England; Pfizer; Seitz filter

Subjects: Ministry of Health

01:13:24 - Global eradication of polio

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Partial Transcript: I guess to finish up: I'm curious about what you think about the possibility of global eradication of polio.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about challenges standing in the way of global polio eradication and his hopes for successful polio eradication in the future.

Keywords: Global eradication; New York, New York; Pakistan; Type II polio; United States; epidemiologist; live virus vaccine

Subjects: Polio; vaccine

01:16:41 - Final thoughts

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Partial Transcript: So you have any final thoughts?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Youngner talks about his successful career as a researcher and contributor to interferon fields and notes the pain associated with talking about Jonas Salk and the Cutter incident.

Keywords: J. Salk; gamma interferon; interferon fields