Global Health Chronicles

Terry Chorba

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:00:30 - Background/Introduction to CDC

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Partial Transcript: So, first, let us get started with a little bit about your background and how you came to go into medicine maybe, and how you wound up at the CDC in the first place.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba talks about his family background educational, experiences and early career decisions.

Keywords: Buffalo, New; Hungarian; Physiology; medicine; psychology; surgeon

Subjects: AIDS; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; D Maki; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Service; George Washington University; Hungary; Oxford University; University of Wisconsin; acquired immune deficiency syndrome

00:06:11 - Epidemic Intelligence Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What were your EIS years spent doing?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes his experiences as an EIS officer with hemophilia-associated AIDS and as an author on and article on The Role of Parvovirus B19 in Aplastic Crisis and Erythema Infectiosum.

Keywords: African American; B. Evatt; Cleveland Ohio; Cuyahoga River; Irish; Italian; L. Anderson; London, England; N. Young; P. Coccia; P. Mortimer; P. Tattersall; Polish; acute aplastic; benign; hematology; hemophilia-associated AIDS; infectious disease; virology

Subjects: African American; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Service; Jamaica; Journal of Infectious Diseases; NIH; National Institutes of Health; Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital; University of London; Yale University; erythema infectiosum; fifth disease; human parvovirus B19; sickle cell; spherocytosis

00:13:20 - International Work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And when did you start getting involved in polio?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes how Lyle Conrad became the catalyst to his work in Soviet Central Asia

Keywords: Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Division of Injury Prevention; Epidemiology; Highway Safety Research Center; J. Conrad; MPH; Master’s in Public Health; O. Kew; W. Dowdle; opportunity cost; polio cases; poliovirus; seconded

Subjects: 1991; Armenia; Georgia; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan; PA>SA; Participating Agency Service Agreement; Soviet Central Asia; Soviet Union; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; USAID; United States Agency for International Development; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Uzbekistan; WHO; World Health Organization; break up

00:17:52 - Soviet Surveillance System

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This was seen as a great opportunity for the Soviet Union to be – to put an end to the concept of the Soviet Union.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes the intricacies of his work on the Soviet Union’s infectious disease surveillance system during the early years of the Soviet Union break-up, spending time to bring old systems up to date with current Western systems.

Keywords: Federal; Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Knox; M. Borowitz; Moscow, Russia; Oblast; Raions; W. Courtney; W. Dowdle; ambassador; budgets; computerization; computers; cost-effective; denuclearize; efficient; electronic reporting system; infectious disease; national system; oral polio vaccine; surveillance data; warheads

Subjects: DOS; Disc Operating System; Kazakhstan; National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System; Pennsylvania; Soviet; national immunization days; poliovirus; public health

00:30:23 - Reporting Systems

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Partial Transcript: S

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes opportunities to improve polio reporting systems as well as the development of a poliovirus laboratories in all the formal Soviet Republics of Central Asia.

Keywords: B. Ross; Dowdle; G. Kimbabanova; G. Lipskaya; L. Rozhkova; O. Kew; Public Health Advisor; WHO; acute flaccid paralysis; epidemiologist; equipment; immunization; improved; poliovirus laboratory; renovated; reportable

Subjects: CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; WHO; World Health organization; equipment; improved; renovated

00:37:22 - Surveillance System

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Now, your role was different from Galina’s role.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes his work in Central Asia as a more programmatic, getting flaccid paralysis to become a reportable disease in addition to updating the surveillance system as a whole. Chorba continues by illustrating some of the challenges of his work as an American and highlighting the important work of local colleagues.

Keywords: American; B. Ross; G. Lipskaya; G. Muratbaeva; G. Otunbayeva; I Aitmagambetova; computerization; individual patient data; laboratorian; long-term visas; paper; programmatic; reportable diseases; suspicious; tuberculosis

Subjects: Almaty Oblast; EIS; Epidemic Intelligence Service; Fergana Oblast; Kazakhstan; Raion; USAID; acute flaccid paralysis

00:45:58 - Language Differences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did you deal with the language problem?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba explains some of the complexities of the different languages spoken by country partners.

Keywords: G. Lipskaya; Moscow; Russian lessons; comrades; country partners; interpreter; local; marketplace; respect

Subjects: Central Asia; Kazak, Kyrg; Ottoman Empire; Russian; Soviet Union; Turkic language; Uzbek

00:50:55 - Financial Expectations/Training

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I wonder too about some of the other cultural things you must have run into when you were trying to get projects done and work done there.

Segment Synopsis: Chorba explains some of the cultural differences of everyday business in the early years of the former Soviet republics and how CDC offered assistance in the form of training.

Keywords: : bribery; Catherine the Great; G. Potemkin; J. Conrad; acute respiratory illness; assistance; cash transition; childhood diarrheal disease; economy; fee-for-service; healthcare; immunizations; local health department; other work; peasants; poliovirus; reportable diseases; system; tuberculosis

Subjects: CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Kazakhstan; malaria; typhoid

00:59:16 - Negotiations/Relationships

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did they report their polio cases and how did they start asking for help for polio work?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba describes what it was like to become accustomed to doing business and negotiate within the former Soviet republics.

Keywords: 1998; G. Lipskaya; J. Mermin; Karakalpakstan; M. Favorov; M. Sharapov; N. Nazarbayev; Soviet car; U. Sharapov; Zhiguli; alcohol; computers; efficiencies; incentives; independent; measles; negotiations; parliament; polio case; public health; sheep’s head; typhoid epidemic; water metered; wild type

Subjects: Almaty; Baikonur; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EIS; HIV/AIDS; Kazakhstan; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; National Immunization Days; Peace Corps; TB Prevention; Uzbekistan; WHO

01:22:06 - Reflections

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And I wondered if there are things that you would like to say that we didn’t touch on or other things that came to mind while were talking that you would like to say.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chorba reflects on the contributions of colleagues and expresses his gratitude towards them and to CDC for the many opportunities given to him

Keywords: Almaty, Kazakhstan; B. Ross; Epi Info; J. Conrad; L. Pasteur; L. Vakhmistrova; O. Kew; S. Deshevoi; St. Petersberg; T. Gvetadze; W. Dowdle; acute flaccid paralysis; astronaut; cold chain; financial resources; fortune; notifiable disease; opportunity; prepared mind

Subjects: Georgia; Kazakhstan; Tajikistan; WHO