Global Health Chronicles

Kevin Malone

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:00:47 - Educational Background/CDC

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Partial Transcript: So, to start, would you tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to be working at CDC all these years?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone introduces his educational background and his work as a lawyer in the General Counsel’s Office of CDC.

Keywords: Atlanta, GA; CAT; Immunization Program; Santa Barbara, CA; attorney; computerized axial tomography scans; environmental studies; law school; legal counsel; marrow transplants; medical ethics; medical facilities; pediatrics; public health; west coast

Subjects: Advisory Committee; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; General Council; Georgia Department of Human Resources; Global Health Chronicles; Global Health Programs; Kansas; UCLA; United States; University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center; University of Kansas; University of Michigan School of Public Health

00:03:14 - Growth of CDC

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Partial Transcript: And at the time what year was that?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone describes his initial knowledge of CDC and its subsequent growth.

Keywords: 1987; 1994; 9/11; Atlanta, Georgia; D. Barreth; Immunization Program; Legionnaire’s disease; New York, New York; Vaccines for Children Program; Washington, D.C.; childhood vaccines; control data corporation; environmental; federal agency; general lawyer; global health law; immunization; infectious disease; lawyer; media; outbreak; politics; public health; quarantine; statuary interpretation; team leader

Subjects: AIDS; ATSDR; Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; CDC; Department of Health and Human Services; Global Health Law Team; NIOSH; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; United States; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

00:09:13 - History of Polio

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Partial Transcript: You can now talk a little bit more specifically about polio, when you first started to get involved with that and what that was like for you?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone provides information on the origin of the polio virus, the vaccine and the side effect of Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Polio.

Keywords: 1987; Sabin Sundays; polio; public health; sugar cube; vaccination mandates; vaccine; vaccine preventable diseases

Subjects: IPV; Inactivated Polio Vaccine; OPV; Oral Polio Vaccine; United States; VAPP; Vaccine Associated Paralytic Polio

00:12:01 - Reyes vs Wyeth

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Partial Transcript: Okay, so, as an attorney, you probably are familiar, although you weren’t there, you’re familiar with Reyes versus Wyeth case that involved the polio vaccine.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone explains the precedent that Reyes vs Wyeth established in regards to immunization in private doctor offices versus mass vaccination settings.

Keywords: 1974; 1986; Important Information Statements; child; duty to warn clause; immunization clinic; individual; learned intermediary; manufacturer; manufacturer’s responsibility; market; mass immunization setting; mass vaccination clinics; oral polio vaccine; package inserts; physician; polio; private doctors office; provider; public health clinic; risks; side effects; vaccination

Subjects: CDC; FDA; Food and Drug Administration; National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act; Reyes vs. Wyeth

00:16:40 - Herd Immunity

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Herd Immunity

Segment Synopsis: Malone voices the importance of herd immunity in regards to vaccine-preventable diseases.

Keywords: 1905; : herd immunity; Cambridge, Massachusetts; individual; infectious, vaccine; measles; medical contraindication; medical exemption; philosophical exemption; polio; religious exemption; smallpox; vaccine preventable diseases

Subjects: Jacobson vs Massachusetts; National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act; U.S Supreme Court; United States

00:22:38 - Jacobson vs Massachusetts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, Mr. Malone, would you talk about the basis of the Jacobson decision?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone describes the importance of the Jacobson vs Massachusetts decision.

Keywords: First Amendment; Jacobson decision; children; city; education; establishment clause; exemption; herd immunity; measles; medical contraindication; outbreak; philosophical; police power; public health; religious; schools; smallpox; state; vaccination; vaccination mandates

Subjects: Arizona, United States; California, United States; Mississippi, United States; U.S Constitution; West Virginia, United States

00:30:14 - Vaccination Exemptions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So what has been the effect of those sincerely held religious beliefs on vaccinations?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone addresses the challenges of vaccination exemptions for the general health of society.

Keywords: anti-vaccination; diseases; doctor; exemption; herd immunity; immunization; informed decision; measles; mumps; outbreaks; philosophical; physician; polio; religious; risks; vaccination; vaccination exemptions; vaccine-preventable diseases

Subjects: Immunization; United States

00:35:06 - Anti-vaccination

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Partial Transcript: I would think that some of the susceptible people would be children on chemotherapy, for instance, or people who are immune compromised for some other reason.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone discusses the effect of anti-vaccination opinions on immune compromised populations.

Keywords: disease; herd immunity; immune compromised; measles; outbreak; philosophical exemption; religious exemption; school; unimmunized; vaccine

Subjects: California, United States

00:38:50 - Information Statements

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Interesting. I wanted to go back a minute – you mentioned something called Important Information Statements.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone introduces the creation and evolution of Important Information Statements into Vaccine Information Statements.

Keywords: 1986; 1994; Administrative Procedure Act; Important Information Statements; Salk; Vaccine Information Statements; Vaccine for Children Program; adverse event; antivaccine sentiment; appointment; cases; child; context; disease; doctor; duty to warn clause; excise tax; federal register; immune system; measles, mumps; polio; public health clinics; public health education; risk; risks; rubella; rulemaking process; tort: herd immunity; vaccine preventable diseases; vaccines

Subjects: CDC; Congress of United States; HRSA; Human Resources and Services Administration; National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act; National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; U.S. Court of Federal Claims

00:55:24 - Vaccine Injury Compensation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, the Vaccine Injury Act would give people money compensation with their injury from vaccine?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone describes the implications of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Vaccines for Children Program.

Keywords: 1993; 1994; American Indians; Federally Qualified Health Centers; Immunization Information Systems; Rural Health clinics; Section 317grants; Vaccine Information Statements; childhood; compensation; financial; grant; immunization card; insurance; law; local; medical home; newborns; over-immunize; parents; physician; primary care; provider; public health clinics; schools; state; tort; uninsured; vaccine

Subjects: CDC; Congress; Medicaid; Public Health service Act; United States; VFC; Vaccine Injury Act; Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; Vaccines for Children Program

01:02:06 - Immunization/International Service

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Partial Transcript: Those are digitized records?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Malone discusses the growth of the CDC and his experience as international legal counsel.

Keywords: 1987; Deputy Director; Team Leader; abroad; community; cultures, framework; development; digitalized; diplomats; eradicate; fellowships; funding; generalists; global; governments; immunization; international; law; lawyers; legal; legal advisor; measles; polio; public health law; seven; smallpox; specialized; states; surveillance; time zone

Subjects: CDC; Global Health Law Team; IETA; Immunization Program; International Experience and Technical Assistance; National Immunization Days; Public Health Law Program; STOP; State Department; Stop Transmission of Polio; Tanzania, Africa; U.S. Embassy; Washington, DC; World Health Organization