Global Health Chronicles

John Salamone

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:00:57 - Background

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Partial Transcript: So before we get started on polio related activities, I wonder if you could tell us a little bit about your background.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Salamone discusses his history of congressional speech writing and his passion for journalism.

Keywords: D. Salamone; E. Salamone; K. Salamone; Washington [D.C.]; journalism; legislation; legislative director; news broadcaster; speech writing

Subjects: Congress; Department of Justice; New York; WKQW radio

00:03:03 - David’s Diagnosis

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did you get interested in polio related activities?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Salamone reveals how his son, David, contracted paralytic polio from the oral polio vaccine and how the diagnosis impacted their lives.

Keywords: 1979; 1988; 1990; 1991; B cells; D. Salamone; February 1991; J. Salk; October 1990; Spanish immersion elementary school; Washington, DC; academic; anterior horn cell damage; compensation commission; compensation fund; compromised immune system; computer camp; crawl; fever; gamma globulin; live virus; misdiagnosed; normal kid; not properly diagnosed; paralyzed; physical therapy; polio epidemic; polio vaccination; polio-like; rashes; regular vaccinations; rheumatologist; school; sweet sugar cube; vaccine commission; vaccine injuries; “bubble baby”

Subjects: ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices]; America; Bruton’s; Children’s Hospital [Children’s National Medical Center]; Georgetown Hospital [Georgetown University Medical Center]; IPV [inactivated polio vaccine]; oral polio vaccine [OPV]; polio; vaccine-associated paralytic polio [VAPP]; wild polio

00:12:49 - Testimony to ACIP

Play segment

Partial Transcript: They started, as I mentioned, ACIP started this discussion back in 1991 but then it just kind of died.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Salamone shares his experience in gathering families who had been affected by vaccine-associated paralytic polio in order to switch to a sequential schedule by talking directly with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

Keywords: 1995; African American community; Atlanta; Chief of Staff; D. Salamone; D. Satcher; D. Shalala; G. Pearson; J. Hager; J. Salamone; June 1996; L. Panetta; Salk vaccine; W. Clinton; Washington D.C.; Wyeth-Ayerst’s representative; anti-vaccine person; being paid; black community; braces; breathing; child’s diaper; contracted; couldn’t eat; crutches; database; eradicated wild polio; expenses; indirectly; inner cities; journalist; lobbying; lungs; media; never spoke; pharmaceutical company; pro-safe vaccine person; reimburse; risk benefit ratio; safer polio vaccine; scientific statistical backing; sequential schedule; sequential schedule for polio vaccinations; testify; under control; wheelchairs; wrote

Subjects: ACIP; AP [Associated Press]; Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines [ACCV]; CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]; Health and Human Services [HHS]; IPV; Illinois; Informed Parents Against VAPP [IPAV]; Institute of Medicine; OPV; USA Today; United States; VAPP; Virginia; Washington Post; White House; Wyeth-Ayerst [Pharmaceuticals]; congress; polio

00:35:35 - Decade of Dedication

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you started with ACIP, when you went to give testimony and became so actively involved and watched how their proceedings went, were there things you would have changed that you think would have improved the process?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Salamone discusses how he was the first “consumer layman” to serve on the ACIP and began to understand the many relationships intertwined within the committee. Salamone shares how he continued to press for legislation that would require inactivated polio vaccine instead of the oral polio vaccine.

Keywords: January 1999; January 2000; P. Offit; all IPV schedule; arranged and testified; careful; decade; doctors; first “consumer representative”; government; pharma representatives; pharmaceutical industry; private sector; sequential schedule for polio vaccine vaccinations; vaccine education

Subjects: AAP [Association of American Pediatricians; ACIP; CDC; Health and Human Services; MMWR [Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report]; National Vaccine Advisory Committee [NVAC]; World Health Organization [WHO]; congress; oral polio vaccine; polio; vaccine-associated polio; wild polio

00:48:03 - Final Thoughts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think about the possibility of polio being eliminated from the human population soon?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Salamone concludes his interview with thoughts about his son and his hope that other nations will act faster than the United States on changing over to IPV.

Keywords: D. Salamone; bottom line; change over; cheaper; children; decisions; dialysis; education; eradicated; gamma globulin infusions; injection; kidney transplant; lesson; liver disease; parents; spleen; sugar cube; third experimental treatment; vaccine story

Subjects: CDC; NIH [National Institutes of Health]