Global Health Chronicles

Dr. William Schaffner

David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Global Health Chronicles
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00:01:13 - Background/Education

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Partial Transcript: So, I understand that you have some childhood memories about polio and getting vaccinated.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner shares his childhood memories of the polio vaccine and his life growing up in an immigrant community.

Keywords: German; Latin; Oral Polio Vaccine; booster; dimes; first generation; health service; immigrants; media; medicine; paralysis; poliomyelitis; pools; premed; report card; research; student; sugar cube; vaccine

Subjects: Eastern European; German; Irish; Italian; Jewish; March of Dimes; Navy; New Jersey; Polio; United States

00:08:06 - EIS Experiences

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Partial Transcript: How did you become involved with CDC? How did that come about?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner talks about his EIS assignments from his work in measles in Rhode Island to malaria eradication in India.

Keywords: Atlanta, Georgia; B. Rosenstein; Delhi, India; H. Eichenwald; HIV; J. Bowes; MMWR; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; Nashville, Tennessee; R. Adair; Selective Service; academic; anthrax; bacterial; bioterrorism; children; clinic; clinical; eradication; field; immunization; infectious diseases; malaria; measles; medicine; patient; pediatrics; potassium permanganate; smallpox; surveillance; vaccination; villages

Subjects: ACIP; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice; CDC; Centers for Disease Control (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Cornell University Medical College; EIS; Fever Hospital; India; Nashville Academy of Medicine; New England Journal of Medicine; Rhode Island Department of Health; Rhode Island Medical Association; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; United States Public Health Service; WHO; World Health Organization

00:25:50 - Vanderbilt/CDC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, you feel like you were well prepared to do the work you did?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner discusses the continued connection between his work at Vanderbilt University and the CDC.

Keywords: D. Freeman; D. Karzon; HIV; Nashville, Tennessee; clinical; clinician; epidemiology; infectious disease; iron lung; nurse; patients; pediatric; polio ward; poliomyelitis; state health department; tank respirators; tracheostomy

Subjects: CDC; Centers for Disease Control (U.S.). Epidemic Intelligence Service; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EIS; Nicaragua; Vanderbilt University

00:33:42 - Iron Lung

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Partial Transcript: How would one know that a person was healed enough to come out?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner discusses how clinicians determine when to use or not use the iron lung for polio patients.

Keywords: Medicaid; Medicare; funded; generator; horn cells; infection; inflammation; injectable; intensive care nurse; intra-cerebrospinal pressure; iron lung; oral; paralysis; patient; physical therapy; poliomyelitis; research; respirator; spinal cord; therapy; vaccine

Subjects: Kentucky; National March of Dimes; Vanderbilt University

00:39:11 - Vaccines/Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

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Partial Transcript: So, talking about the vaccines, can you talk about any introduction you may have had to Dr. [Jonas E.] Salk or [Dr.] Albert [B.] Sabin or Hilary Koprowski, the developers of the vaccines.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner discusses his encounter with Albert Sabin and his role in the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

Keywords: A. Hinman; A. Sabin; Atlantic City, New Jersey; H. Koprowski; IPV; J. Salk; M. Hillemen; P. Gardner; P. Offit; R. Sutter; S. Plotkin; Vaccine for Children’s Program; anti-vaccination; experts; general public; internists; member; nominate; oral polio vaccine; pediatrician; policy; poliomyelitis; presentation; public health; security; shingles; smallpox; vaccine-associated poliomyelitis; vaccines; vaccinologist

Subjects: ACIP; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; American College of Physicians; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Internal Medicine Organization; National Foundation for Infectious Diseases; WHO; World Health Organization

00:56:27 - Polio and the Vaccination Discussion

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Partial Transcript: Can you talk a little bit more about her?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner references a hopeful story about polio and discusses the benefits and disadvantages of both polio vaccines.

Keywords: academician; baby; children; clinician; compensation; dose; drug; epidemiologists; horizontal transmission; infection; injectable; iron lung; lawsuits; live; manufacturers; paralysis; pregnant; product limitations; public health; survey; vaccine; vaccine-associated paralytic polio

Subjects: Food and Drug Administration; IPV; OPV; Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; inactivated polio vaccine; oral polio vaccine

01:05:42 - Vaccination Education

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Partial Transcript: My other question is as an academician, what do you see as your role related to vaccine-preventable diseases like polio, as far as educating the public and parents who are wanting to know and get the latest information?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner describes his role educating the public about vaccinations.

Keywords: B. Lowe-Fischer; anti-vaccine; children; deaths; diphtheria; diseases; education; educator; health; health care; immune system; measles; media; medical; parents; pediatricians; poliomyelitis; research; schools; side effects; skepticism; students; survey; teachers; vaccine-preventable; vaccines

Subjects: Emerging Infections Program; National Vaccine Advisory Committee; Polio

01:17:37 - Polio Elimination

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think it’s going to happen?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner addresses the committed group effort of international healthcare workers to eradicate polio.

Keywords: A. Sabin; Western hemisphere; children; elimination; healthcare workers; murdered; paralytic viral infection; vaccinator; women

Subjects: Afghanistan; Nigeria; Pakistan; Polio

01:20:17 - Hospital Updates and Immunization

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I was thinking—I was noticing that your children’s hospital is having some additions and some changes to it and I wondered if you could talk about that a little bit.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Schaffner concludes remaking on the expansion of the Nashville children’s hospital and the equality of the Immunization Program.

Keywords: Mid Central South; authorities; children; hospital; medicine; paralyzed; pediatric; public health

Subjects: Immunization Program; Polio