



Business Responds to AIDS [BRTA]
Labor Responds to AIDS [LRTA]
HIV @ WORK: More people are living and working with HIV than ever before. College grad, on the fast track, rainmaker potential, good with people, living with HIV. HIV hasn't gone away. Neither have the complex HR issues it raises. Can you handle discrimination and return-to-work questions? Or protect employee morale and productivity? Be prepared. Add HIV/AIDS to your employee health and wellness programs and include it in all relevant workplace policies. After all, taking care of people is taking care of business. Get free workplace policy and education information. Check www.hivatwork.org. Or call 1-800-458-5231. HIV is still in business.

Advertisement geared towards college graduates about to enter the workforce.

Education; Workplace; Youth; Young Adults; Relationships; Colleagues; Employers; Community Outreach


United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Business Responds to AIDS (BRTA), Labor Responds to AIDS (LRTA).


“HV@WORK,” The Global Health Chronicles, accessed March 10, 2025, https://globalhealthchronicles.org/items/show/5426.