mosquito proofing for malaria control.JPG





Training Film
Malaria prevention techniques

TRT 10:00

Much of the material used in this film has been supplied through the courtesy of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Produced by the Office of Malaria Control in War Areas, Atlanta, Georgia.

An audio commentary explains that mosquito proofing is closing all the cracks, holes, and openings in a building so that the malaria-carrying quadrimaculatus mosquito is kept out. The audio commentary provides a detailed explanation of how this is done. This film shows men unloading screens, nailing screens on doors and windows, boarding up fireplaces, and constructing screens in shops. The film also uses sketches to explain instructions. A sketch of a room is used to illustrate problems and animations of fireplace closing and crack filling overlaid. The film also uses animated arrows to point out specifics in a diagram of the wood plan for a screen door and illustrations of 16 and 4 mesh per inch screen. The film also includes views of housing, swamps, mosquito illustrations, a man on a porch smoking with mother and child walking by, children in a house, a baby, and a sick child.

KEY WORDS: Office of Malaria Control in War Areas (MCWA), malaria, mosquitoes, Cyprus lumber, S4S: surfaced four sides, galvanized metal, screen doors, screen windows.


U. S. National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Images and Archives Section at the National Institutes of Health, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894


“MOSQUITO PROOFING,” The Global Health Chronicles, accessed March 4, 2025,