the Life and Work of Bill Collins.JPG



May 3, 2005


The Life and Work of Bill Collins: A Laboratorian's 50 Year Battle Against Malaria
Introduction by Mark Eberhard, CDC Director of Divison of Parasitic Diseases.

William Collins, Ph.D., career researching malaria provides a history of malaria as well as geographic and economic facts. Dr. Collins describes the beginning of his career as a pure entomologist and then joining the PHS as a civilian after the Korean War. He worked briefly for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) when treatment of neurosyphilis with malaria was ending. He was confident of U.S. malaria epidemic surveillance, but knew global change required more money, people, and commitment. He shared opinions on DDT, global warming, transmission vaccines, blood-stage vaccines, and insecticide treated nets. He avoided retirement because the malaria problem is still unsolved.

KEY WORDS: malaria, entomology, malariology, parasitology, National Institutes of Health (NIH), mental hospital, neurosyphilis, chloroquine, Chamblee, global eradication program, Malaria Control in War Areas(MCWA), DDT, U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), penicillin, chloroquine, transmission vaccine, blood-stage vaccine, insecticide treated nets (ITNs), Michigan State, Rutgers.

KEY NAMES: Dr. Robert L. Kaiser, Dr. David J. Sencer, Dr. Louis L. Williams, Dr. Martin D. Young, Geoffrey M. Jeffrey, Dr. G. Robert Coatney, Dr. Kent Campbell.

“I have a few more things to do. I think. There are always more things to do. You know, I came to work with the PHS with a lot of things to do. If all the questions were answered, I’d go home.



The David J. Sencer CDC Museum at the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333


“COLLINS, WILLIAM,” The Global Health Chronicles, accessed March 12, 2025,